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"Quinn, Blyth what did I tell you about getting your homework done as soon as you get him?" I say to my two little seven year olds.

"To get it finished so it's done and over with?" Blyth asks.

I sigh and my palm meets my forehead. I'm gunna kill Jake for that one.

"No, mommy always says that we have to do our homework to be smart and learn more." Quinn smiles.

"Very good, now get to it." I clap my hands and they take of running towards the dining room.

I walk out of the twins room and look at the pictures aligned on the walls. Pictures of Jake's and mines wedding, of the birth of the twins (with I wasn't even conscious for), the twins first birthday, and the pregnancy and birth of our son, Jacob Junior, J.J for short.

Looking back on all these great memories it makes me feel glad that I held on even when I thought things would never get better.

I hear a faint knock from down stairs and then the twins yell something that I don't understand.

I chuckle to myself, my life is perfect. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"So, get it done so it's over and done with?" I ask as I lean on the door frame of J.J's room and watch Jake change his diaper.

Jacob is only seven months old. He resembles Jake almost to a 'T' except he has blue eyes and not free like his father. He's the most adorable baby I've ever seen.

"Yeah, she wanted more incentive. Remind me again why I'm stuck changing Jacob's diaper?"

"Because I don't want to." I chuckle again.

"Mommy! Daddy! Aunt Layla and Uncle Xavier are here!" Blyth yells from down stairs.

"Okay B, we're coming!" Jake shouts and picks up J.J.

We walk down stairs and I see the twins finishing their homework and Layla and Xavier standing in the kitchen.

They've been trying for the longest time to have a kid but they've just been unsuccessful so far. It really pains me to see them so sad because I know they both really want to have kids.

"So what brings you two to our humble abode?" Jake asks, placing J.J in his high chair.

"Oh nothing, we just came to tell you all some big news." Xavier says and Layla beams from ear to ear.

I look them both up and down and smile.

"No freaking way!" I shout.

"What's going on?" Jake asks coming to my side.

"No freaking way!" I say again.

"I'm so excited." Layla beams.

I can sense Jake's confusion and honestly I want to tell him but I shouldn't be the one to reveal it.

"Jake, you're gunna have a little Brice or nephew." Layla smirks and I look over to Jake.

I watch as his confused face transforms into an elated face.

"Oh my god! Really!" He says excitedly making me and Layla laugh.

"What's going on mommy?" Blyth asks.

"Aunt Layla and uncle Xavier are going to have a baby." Quinn answers.

"You're too smart girly, I can only imagine what it's like to teach you." Layla jokes.

"I know." Quinn beams, she loves being smart that's for sure.


As time goes on Layla and Xavier are graces with two little children, Becca and Jamie.

Quinn and Blyth are as far from that same as you could get. Quinn adores school and working out math problems and Blyth hates everything school stands for.

Jacob Junior is a sports boy and the future beta of our pack.

Erin and Noah had four little monster. Two sets of twins and guess who always gets to baby sit them? Me, of course right.

Lacey and Lucas have helped so much with training all the pack member and as time went on, Lacey has a little boy, Axel.

My whole family has been around to see me more than four times each yeah, both my biological and my foster family. They're always so amazing and I knows that no matter what, they all love me with their whole hearts.

Yes, I was the Beta's broken mate when everything began, but now, those broken prices have been put together into something that I never could have imagined I'd be.


OMG! It's done! It's finished! I think I'm gunna cry. Yet another one of my books finished and I'll start editing through this book went I get that time to do so. Until then, it will be under completed.

Anyways tell me what you think of the chapter and the overall book. Tell me if you think that ending was too rushed, after all I am still learning myself.

If you ever need any advice on writing or want me to read something of yours don't be afraid to inbox me and please vote!

If you have any questions that please ask.

I love you all and please follow so you can stay up to date on my latest writings if you enjoyed my writing.

Xoxo, always,

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