Chapter Eight : Secret Told

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I walk down the steps happy to be out of my bed room and look around.

"Where are you going?" Jake asks.

"Well, I kinda want to go for a run but I don't see you letting me out of this house." I say.

"There is no way in hell that I am letting you out of this house." Jake says.

"Mom and dad want to talk with us!" I hear Xavier shout form the kitchen.

I walk out into the kitchen and see my new mother and father sitting at the table and looking right at me. Wow, mother and father, I'm gunna have to get use to saying that.

"We have something to tell you Maddie." My mother says.

"Is this going to be something bad?" I ask hesitantly.

"Well, it's not bad but it can be taken as not good." My father says.

I look over at Jake in a panic and he looks at me with soft eyes.

"We're werewolves and you are too." Mom say and I let my mouth fall open.

"What?!" I screech.


"We're werewolves and you are too." Luna says and I watch Maddie's mouth fall open.

"What?!" She screams.

"Maddie calm down." I say stepping towards her.

"Ha! Thats good. You tell me you are all werewolves and than tell me to calm down? Ha!" She yells.

"Maddie, please calm down." Layla says coming towards her.

"Let me get this straight, you are all werewolves and I'm one too? How?" She asks calming down a little.

"We don't really know how but we know what we are. We can smell wolf all over you." Layla says.

"Have you talked to anyone or anything in your head?" Noah asks her.

Maddie's eyes widen and it looks to me like she's talking to someone.

"Maddie?" I ask cautiously.

"Charity." She whispers. "She's my wolf."

"You can talk to her?" I ask.

"Yeah, it started a few day's ago in a dream and than she started talking to me in my head." She explains.

"What are you thinking?" Erin asks her.

"About what Charity told me. She said that I need to have faith in people and that no one here would hurt me like everyone else in my life." Maddie says and Ace growls at the thought of anyone laying a hand on our little mate.

"What does that make all of you?" She asks after a while of silence.

"I'm Alpha and my wife is Luna." Alpha replies to her question.

"So that makes you soon to be Alpha?" She asks Xavier.

"Yep and Layla is my mate which means she's soon to be Luna." He explains.

"Mate?" Maddie asks looking at me.

"A person who is like your soul mate, once you find your mate you catch their scent, feel safe, secure, and happy around them." I explain.

I look at Maddie in the eyes and they widen, her expression changes to shock and my hear races.

"Are you my mate?" She finally chokes out after a while of silence.

I nod my head slightly and she just stands there in shock.

"Say something you nitwit!" Ace shouts.

"Like what?" I ask. "I don't want to scare her anymore than she already is."

"Just say something! Don't jut leave her there."

"What do I say? I'm out of things to say."

"Ha, that's a first." Ace scuffs.

I walk closer to Maddie and she just looks right into my eyes as I look into her baby blue eyes.

"Say something." I say.

"Something." She jokes and everyone lets out a laugh.

"Maddie..." I warn

"Jake, I'm new to this as you know but I will admit that you make me happy and I feel amazing around you but I'm broken Jake; Broken and I don't think that I can be fixed."

"Maddie, no matter what is in the past, I will love you al throughout the future." I say pulling her into my embrace.

She wraps her arms around me and hugs me. Ace howls in delight and I can't help but smile.


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