Chapter 19

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I climb out of the window and start to run as fast as I can. I can't let them catch me. I have to get as far away from here as I can in the shortest amount of time.

I don't want to cause Jake any more pain than I already have. As soon as I find a witch who can break the bond, he'll be free from my horrid hold on him.

I block of my thoughts, I don't want him getting into my mind and tracking me. No, I want to get as far away, break the bond then end it all.

I have no where to go. My adoptive parents and biological parents are all back where I ran from and all my other adoptive families were abusive and worked with my uncle.

I stop and stand in the middle of the forest. I have no idea where I am and I sure as hell don't want to go back from where I was. I close my eyes and try to remember. I hear a howl in the distance and I Jakes found the note.

I'm not the best judge of time but I'd says it's been about, I don't know, maybe twenty minutes since I left.

I sigh to myself and I can feel Jake trying to push his way into my mind. Charity is no where to be found ever since what happened. She just stayed down in the crevasses in my mind. She sunk and knew the moment that happen is the moment we lost our mate forever.

I don't blame her. If I could have been gone and left this life I would have too. Sunk myself to the lower and ended it all.

I know Jake will be coming after me but once a scent no longer sits on the trails, well I'll be gone. He'll feel the bond breaking once that happens and I don't want to cause him pain but it's what's best for him. I don't want him to feel my pain.

I feel more tears run down my cheeks. I've been crying and I though for sure that I wouldn't have enough water in my system to cry any more but here I am, with tears rolling down my cheek.

The sun is setting and I know it's starting to get late. Jake will probably try to look for me tonight but hopefully before I fall asleep I can find a witch.

I keep walking through the forest and as I do I get a weird feeling inside my head. As soon as that comes I start to feel dizzy.

I grab a hold of a tree and hold myself up. I continue waking on and as I keep going my legs feel as if they're going to fall off.

I sigh to myself. I can't go on any further, I don't want to die before the bond is broke. I don't want him to feel the pain.

I lay up against a tree trunk and think slowly about everything that could have been. If it weren't for my vengeful uncle I could have had a happy life with my real parents and not a bunch of abusive people who took their place. If Jack wasn't like he is in sure, because he is older, he would have found his mate or at least gone looking for her instead of going after me and ruining my life. Making me feel used, broken, abused, unwanted.

I look around the forest and fear shoots through my body.

What if someone does find me? What if is my uncle of one of his many goons who do his bidding? If so, I'm screwed and I get what I've longed for this past week.



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