Chapter Fifteen : Lost

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I listen to the silence that surrounds me and I hope and pray that Jake will find me soon.

"Maddie." I hear my uncle sing.

I just want this all to be a bad dream. I want this all to just be a dream and for me to wake up in the morning next to Jake.

"Maddie." He sings again.

"What do you want?" I say under my breath.

"Is that how you talk to the person who owns you?" I asks coming into sight.

"You don't own me." I growl.

"Oh but dear Maddie, I do. As long as you are in my house than I own you." He says.

"My mate will find me and when he does you will be sorry." I state.

I watched as my uncle paced the room. He is making me extremely nervous. I'm tied to a chair and I would like to get back to the comfort of my mate and I would my god damn uncle to go burn in hell.

"Maddie? Are you there?" I hear Jakes voice in my head.

"Yeah, I'm here speak quick. Jack doesn't know I can mind link with you." I say.

"We talked to your parents and they said they have an idea of where your uncle is keeping you. You adoptive parents and Xavier are on their way to pick them up and bring them back to our pack house. Please keep yourself alive and well." Jake says.

"Oh thank the gods. You need to get here soon though, I'm afraid of what he might do." I tell him.

I hear a growl and I know that he know what I mean by that. Ugh things are going to get interesting.

"I will find you baby and if he lays a hand on you he will be dead." He snarls.

"Just get here fast...please." I plead.

I hear Jack start to hum as he walks towards me and I can feel the tears sting behind my eyes. I need to get out of here.

Please Jake, hurry.


"We need to find her!" I snarl to my family.

"Jake, calm down, we're doing the best we can." Mom says.

"Well that isn't good enough." I snap.

What kind of mate lets their's get kidnapped? A bad one, thats who. I'm such a bad and terrible mate. I don't deserve Maddie and she deserves a much better person than me for her mate.

I feel a stinging pain in my arm and I know just where it's coming from. That bastard is hurting Maddie and I'm not there to protect her!

"Whats wrong?" Mom asks.

"That bastard's hurting my mate." I growl.

I feel a pain in my lower abdomen and I feel Ace sink into the back of my mind.

"What's going on Ace? Talk to me. What is he doing to her?" I plead for him to answer me.

"Jake, he's raping her." He cries.

The pain hurts so bad and I know now that I need to get to Maddie before anything else happens to her and before that bastard can hurt her any more than she is.

"What's happening?" Xavier asks rushing into the room to find me on my knees.

"That bastard is raping her." I snarl.

"That fucker." He whispers.

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