Fourteen : Bastard

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I wake up in a dark room tied to a chair. My heart rate spikes as I remember the last thing that happened. Who was that man?

"I see your awake." I hear his voice and I start to panic.

"W-who are you?" I stutter.

"You don't need to know who I am, all you need to know is that I'm in control of you now."

I attempt to call out for Jake but I feel too weak inside.

"What do you want with me?"

"I've waited for you for a long time Maddie and now I finally have you." He says as he strokes his hand across my face.

"Get away from me." I growl.

"Oh honey, you will learn to love me."

"Please just let me go."

I feel someone trying to push through the barrier that is blocking my mind out from everyone else's. I know my the force and feeling that it's Jake trying to find me. I don't know where I am and I don't know how I got here.

"Where am I?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Why do you want to know? I mean, it's not like you're going anywhere."

"Jake will find me and when he does you'll be dead." I snarl.

The thumping in my head gets louder and I can feel Jake trying to push his way through harder than ever.

"Just open you mind." I hear Charity's voice.

"But how? I mean if I do, this creep will hear my thoughts too and probably drug me again." I say

"This creep is your uncle, the one your mom warned you about. Our mate will be here soon as long as you keep your mind open he can track us."

"You bastard!" I shout.

"Excuse me?" He says acting offended.

"Why would you do that to your brother and his mate? Why would you make them give me up and why the hell did you think that having me with you would bring you to some higher power?" Charity screams through me at my uncle.

"Maddie, is that anyway to talk o your uncle?"

"This isn't Maddie." She growls.

"Oh, and who would I be specking to?" He asks.

"My names Charity, I'm Maddie's wolf." She snaps.

"I see, now Charity, why don't you let Maddie came back and me and her can have a civil conversation." He says politely but you can tell by his eyes that he's lying.

"Charity, don't give him the satisfaction! You need to do whatever you can to keep him talking and maybe he'll tell us something about where we are." I tell her.

"Why don't you tell me where we are and I'll let Maddie come back." Charity taunts.

"Nice try wolf but I wont tell you anything." he says.

"Than Maddie doesn't come back." She taunts again.

We watch as Jack leaves the room and I can feel Jake still pounding.

"Try and open up your mind. We need to talk to Jake." Charity says.

I focus on Jake and I feel the mind block open and Jake rush into my mind.

"Maddie? Where the fuck are you?" Jake shouts.

"I have no clue where I am." I answer.

"Who has you?" He growls.

"Jack." I say.


"My uncle. You need to tell my adoptive parents and my biological parents. Only you can sense where I am so you and them need to come and find me." I tell him.

"Maddie, you need to stay strong. I'll be here with you every step you take." He says.

"Jake, I need to tell you something."

"Anything baby."

"I love you." I cry.


I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been swamped with homework and my after school practices. My summer starts on the 25th and I plan on updating more often in the summer.

Thank you

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