Chapter 30

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Jake's POV

This all can't be happening? Maddie can't be dead, she just can't.

"Jake! You need to come back right now!" Xavier's voice rings in my head.

"I can't Xavier. My wolf won't handle seeing her body just lying there, lifeless. I can't handle that."

I wait.

I wait to hear Xavier, my alpha, tell me that everything will be alright, that the twins are still here and that I'll always have a piece of Maddie with me. That even though she's dead, she will always be watching over my and the twins.

I wait.

"Jake, Maddie isn't dead..."


Maddie's POV

I need to fight. I can't leave Jake alone and I can't leave the twins.

I can do this! I can make it out of this alive.

I hear the heart monitor next to me bed begin to beep again and I hear someone let out a breath.

I'm alive...

I fought through it and I'm alive!

I focus; I focus really hard on waking up. I need to see Jake again. I need to feel his touch. I need to see my babies. I need to wake up.

A jolt of adrenaline pushes me and with all the energy my body can muster, I push myself to open my eyes.

"Jake." I manage to say in a hoarse voice.

"Maddie? Is that really you? Are you really awake?" Layla's soft, soothing voice ask.

"Jake." I say again.

"Yes honey, I know, you need your mate. Xavier is working on getting him back here. I promise he'll be here soon."

I'm awake.

I'm finally awake and I get to see my mate and I get to see my babies.

"Jake will be here soon Maddie. Stay awake and wait for him." Xavier says, coming to my side.

I nod my head slowly and focus on my breathing.

I can't do anything that would jeopardize anything that could have me going back into a coma. When Jake gets here I have to be fully awake and aware. I need to see him, feel him; I need to be back in his arms again. Lord knows I've been out of them long enough.

I hear the door open and I can feel my mate. I know it's Jake that's entered the room and I didn't realize until now how much I crave for his touch, how much I need his touch.

"Maddie baby, is it really you? Are you really awake?" Jake asks as he gets closer to the bed.

I need more energy, I need to show him that I'm here, that I'm alive, that I'm still me.

I take a breath and will myself into a sitting position.

Jake's eyes widen at my movement considering he believes that I had died not even an hour ago.

He plants his hand on my cheek and I smile.

"Maddie, I love you so much. I thought I lost you and I didn't know how to cope. I didn't know what was going to happen to me." He says and pulls me into a tight hug.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I joke, my voice still scratchy and hoarse.

"Here, drink this, it will help with the dry throat." Layla says and hands me a glass of water.

I drink the liquid eagerly and hand her back the cup.


My voice is still scratchy but I doesn't hurt as much to talk.

I look at my mate and smile. This was just another obstacle that we have over come. I know, my life has been full of them but now, I'm just ready to settle down with my mate and my babies. I'm ready to finally get married and spend the rest of my life with my family.

I smile at my mate.

"So, how are the twins?"


Hey! So one chapter left and then this book is done! Just the Epilogue. Then I'll be working in my other unfinished books and possibly starting a new one (one that I won't release until I'm finished everything in it.)

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and I hope you will continue to read the future books I put out there.


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