Chapter 20

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I can't remember what happened last night after I ran. It's all just a big blur. I guess not eating or drinking for a week can do that to you though. I find it extremely hard to open my eyes and it doesn't feel like I'm sleeping on the forest floor anymore.

I try to open my eyes but they won't open. What is wrong with me?

"She's been out for three weeks Xavier! She tried to run away from me because she thought she was causing me pain. I'm a horrible mate to her." Jakes voice says.

Did Jake find me passed out in the woods? Did he bring me back to the back house? I have no idea...wait, did he say I've been out for three weeks?

"No, this is not your fault. It's Jack's and were so close on his tail that he'll be dead before tomorrow morning for what he's done to Maddie.

I can't move any parts of my body, I still can't feel Charity in my mind and I've been out for three weeks. Why does the moon goddess have it out for me? What did I ever do to her?

"When do you think she'll be out of the coma? It's been forever since we've talked with her." Erin's voice rings in my head.

"I don't know, I hope she wakes up soon, I really won't to have a girls night." Layla says and with that Jake growls.

"In, a girls night in." She clarifies and her stops growling.

I try again to open my eyes but it doesn't work. I wanted death so bad but now, all I crave is the touch of my mate and to be around the people who love and care about me. Funny what being in a coma can do to change your prospective on things.

I lay there, motionless, waiting for my body to produce enough energy for me to use, enough for me to open my eyes or at least say something to them to let them know I'm okay.

"Charity, please hear me. I know you feel broken because of what he did to us but you need to come back. Only with your energy can we wake up from this coma. Believe me, Jake will take us back, he is so worried Charity, please." I say into my mind in hopes that Charity will hear me and come to her senses.

"Why would he ever want us back? We're used and broken and beaten." She says softly.

"Yes we are but he knows it's not our fault, he knows that and he wants us to wake up and then we can go on with our life. I don't know why I thought running away was the best option because I see now that that was only going to hurt him more." I say to her

"But what if he doesn't want us when we wake up? What if he rejects us?" She says.

"He won't. Trust me." I tell her softly.

I feel Charity's energy surge through me and to my surprise the energy doesn't just allow me to open my eyes, no, I jolt up in the bed with a gasp of air. So much energy brought on really fast.

Everyone in the room turns around shocked at what just happened. Their eyes wider than saucers and mouths opened to the floor. Okay so I may be exaggerating a little bit the look of surprise and happiness on their faces is one that I wouldn't give up for the world.

"So..." My scratchy voice says.

"Oh my god!" Erin screams breaking the silence.

With that everyone gathers around me and it starts to feel like a good home again.

Nothing could ruin this moment. 


So, what do you think?

I'm thinking about updating this book every Thursday until if finished which won't be too long from now. Hopefully done by the end of summer.

Thank you all for reading and don't forget to vote


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