Chapter 16

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I shouldn't have let my guard down after I talked to Jake. I should have known better than to let that bastard have the upper hand.

I know Jake and Ace felt what he did to me. It's a mates instinct to want to protect and now Ace and Jake will be blaming themselves for not being by my side and letting me get kidnapped by this asshole.

"This...isn't...your...fault." I managed to get through mind link to Jake.

No response, nothing.

My wolf sinks into the back of my mind and I feel myself shrink with her. I hate my uncle! I hate him with a passion but what can I do? I mean really what can I do to a grown man who can over power me like I'm a meal.

He took me from my family, from my mate and I couldn't do anything about it! I'm too weak to do anything!

I know that Jake will come soon enough and get me out of this hell hole but will it be before my uncle desires he wants to rape me again?

This is all my fault. It's my fault for even being alive, had I of had the guts I would have killed myself long ago and Jake wouldn't have to deal with having a weak, broken, and used mate like myself.

Honestly I want to be dead right now. I wish my uncle would have killed me after her raped me and spared me the suffering of knowing that I'm dirty, broken and used.

My uncle is truly an evil man and he loves to watch people suffer. I learned that pretty quick when I was bagging for him to kill me and he just laughed.

"Baby, I'm almost there. Stay with me." Jakes voice rings through my head.

I shut off my mind link and went back to hollowing in my filth. He should ever have to see someone who's been used and who's broken....

He's better off without me.



"Baby, I'm almost there. Stay with me."  I say to Maddie through mind link as I run in wolf for with Lucas, Noah, Xavier, and Jacob running by my sides.

"We will get there in time." Xavier says to me.

I feel Maddie's sadness and hate. As I start to tell her everything will be okay she blocks me out. She blocks me out of her mind! Why would she do that?

I know right where we're going anyways. I will get her back and she will be safe in my arms once again. No one can take her away from me! I won't let them keep her from me.

I sense animals moving around me. Other wolves. Xavier takes lead and stand in the front as we're faced with about 10 or more rogues.

Great. Just great. I get to rip the wads off the men that caused me to loose my mate and caused her to get raped by that bastard she calls an uncle.

"Move out of the way or you will all be killed." Xavier threatens.

The wolves stay put.

"I will rip your heads off for aiding in the kidnap of my mate! Where is she?!" I bark.

Some of the wolves genuinely look scared. Why are they scared of me and not Xavier? He's the alpha not me...

The wolves back up and we rush forward. Nothing else can happen to my Maddie. I don't know what I will do to her uncle once I find him but I can Say for sure that  he will suffer just like he deserves.

A house comes into view and my instincts tell me that Maddie is inside. She has to be okay she just has to.

I break the door to the house. Nothing will stop me from getting to her. NOTHING!

Another door in between Maddie and myself.  Before I break it down I listen inside. Light breathing and quiet sobs.

I break open the door and her eyes widen in fear. She doesn't know it's me.

I flash my human eyes her way and she visibly calms. As I look at her I notice one thing and one thing only...

She naked...


Hello again. I know, I know. It's been like half a year since I've updated last and there are no excuses that I can give as that explains why I've been gone for so long but guess what? IM BACK AND READY TO ATTACK. if you noticed I've been going though and loosely editing anything that sticks out that's wrong. Punctuation, grammar, spelling, thins like that. Feel free to comment on anything you think may be wrong. Once again I'm sorry for being away for so long.


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