Chapter Five : 20 Questions

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"What are we going to do?" Ace asks frantically.

"I don't know. We can't just drop the bomb on her. We should first find out if she's into us." I reply.

"Find out if she's into us? Jake, she's our mate, she's going to love us!" Ace says happily.

"I know but we need to giver her time. In her mind she's human." I explains to him.

"Dammit Jake! She was made for us and us for her. She may think she's human but she's got another thing coming for her." Ace growls at me.

"Calm your shit Ace, we'll tell her but we need to make sure she trusts us first." I growl back.

"Fine but you better get to know her soon or I'm gonna go crazy." Ace says.

"Hey Maddie, this is Jake." Xavier says pointing to me and knocking me out of my argument with Ace.

"Hi." She mumbles.

"Okay, who's up for video games?" Lucas yells after a long silence.

"And candy and pop?" Layla asks picking up bags of candy and a case a pepsi.

"Yeah sure, why not." Xavier says catching a bag of candy that Layla throws his way.

"Maddie?" Layla asks holding out a can of pepsi and a bag of gummy bears.

"No thanks, I don't eat candy or drink pop." She says and my eyes grow wide.

"You don't drink pop or eat candy?" I ask sitting up straighter.

"Nope, I mean its not like I haven't ever had candy, I just don't like it." She shrugs.

"You are one weird teen." I chuckle.

"You don't know the half of it." She replies looking down at her feet.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's in my past now." She whispers just loud enough for us to hear.

Lucas plugs in the game system and we start to play Grand Theft Auto. With all the guy's playing and all the girls just watching I smile as I notice Maddie look my way.



I just can't help but look over at him as he plays this stupid video game. It's like something is drawing me to him.

"Everything will be okay." I hear a voice in my head.

"Who are you?" I ask in my head. Great, I'm talking to myself.

"Charity, Remember?" She asks.

Oh, right, Charity. The voice I heard in my dream that seemed too real. The one who said she was like my subconscious.

"How are you talking to me?" I ask.

"You'll find out soon enough." She says.

Great, I got a cryptic subconscious, just my luck.

"Hey! Watch it, I can hear your thoughts." Charity growls.

"Oh, calm down." I say.

"Sorry, I'm just a little high tempered." She laughs.

"So, how am I talking to you?" I ask curiously.

"You'll find that out soon enough too." Cryptic as hell.

I turn my attention back to the video game and watch as Xavier wins for the third time in a row.

"Well," I say standing up. "I think I'm going to go up to my room and lay down." I say moving towards the door.

"Do you mind if we come? I mean this video game is getting pretty boring." Erin asks.

"Yeah, sure I don't care." I say exiting the room.

I rush up to the room as fast as I can and flop onto the bed.

"You seem to sleep a lot." Lacey jokes jumping on the bed beside me.

"You guys want to play 20 questions?" Layla asks. "We could all ask you some questions to get to know you better."

"Sure, I mean it's not like you all are going to leave." I half joke.

They all start spewing out questions and I answer them all.

"Okay, how old are you?"




"How many homes have you lived in?"

"About 15."

"Any past relationships?"


"Best friends name?"

"Don't have one."

"Fave thing to do?"


"Fave book?"

"Book Thief."

"Fave Movie?"


After they were done spewing out questions I take a breath and sit up on the bed.

"So let me guess;" I start looking over at the three girls. "Lacey, you're with Lucas; Erin, you're with Noah and Layla, you're with Xavier."

"How did you know?" Layla gawks.

"Well, Lucas is outgoing and Lacey is more laid back making them perfect for each other, Erin's loud and spunky and Noah's quiet and keeps to himself, plus he couldn't keep his eyes off her and Xavier is like the boss of the dudes and you're like the boss of the chicks. It's pretty much obvious but does Jake or Jacob have a girlfriend?"

They look at me with shock and I just smile. It feels so goo to smile again and I'm so happy that I can smile and be happy around these people.

"No, Jake and Jacob are single." Erin says.

"Cool." Great way to make yourself look like a fool Maddie, great job chick.

I hear a knock on the door and the guys enter.

"Good thing we weren't naked!" Layla shouts.

"Please." Xavier chuckle making Layla blush.

"Sit in a circle." Erin instructs. "We're going to play questions so that Maddie can get to know more about us and we can get to know more about her."

Oh great. Here I go.

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