Chapter 28

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Jake's POV

"She still isn't awake and it's been weeks since the twins were born." I pace back and forth with Blyth in my arms and Quinn in Xavier's.

"Jake, everything will be okay, she's a fighter. The doctors said that she should be alright but they don't know when she'll come out of the coma. I promise you buddy, she'll be okay."

Every night my mind drifts to Maddie. When I hold the twins my thoughts drift to Maddie. Even when I'm working my wolf searches for Maddie's. I don't know how much long I can take being apart from her.

The longer she's in the coma gives me more time to think. We aren't married yet and that is something that I want so damn bad. She needs to wake up so that I can marry her and so that we can raise our children together and be a big happy family. I need that.

Maddie's biological parents showed up and they've been staying with us for about a week and a half. They want to see Maddie as soon as she comes out of the coma. According to them they have something they really need to talk to her about but they won't tell me anything.

"Listen, the girls are out shopping for clothes that are girly for Blyth and Quinn. Don't ask me what that means because I don't know. However, I was thinking that us guys should go out and do something this afternoon." Xavier chuckles as he tried to lighten the mood.

"Thanks bro, but I'd rather stay here with Blyth and Quinn and wait for a word on Maddie. I know you don't understand 'cause this hasn't happened to you but it's all I can think about. It's ripping Max and I apart. We can't help and we couldn't keep her safe, what good are we to her if we can't keep her safe?"

He sighs.

He's been trying his best to get me out of the house but I can't going knowing something could happen with Maddie at any moment in time. That she could wake up and I not know about it.

I can't loose Maddie, I just can't.

~ * ~
Maddie POV

Pain, all I can remember is pain. The kidney shot and then the contractions. Too much at once. My body shut down from the pain and now all I see is black.

I don't know how long I've been in the dark but I do know that it must be driving Jake crazy. I've thought about him often.

I have no idea what day it is, what month or what condition I'm in.

Has Jake given up on me?

I know for a fact that I'm on life support. Don't ask me how, I just know it. If it becomes long enough, they'll pull the plug. I have to stay strong for Jake and the twins. I still don't know their genders. Sad right?

I can't help but feel that I had two girls. I don't know, it's just a feeling and I hope it's right.

Baby Quinn and baby Blyth.

The two names we decided on.

That names we liked best.

Everything little thing in my life has flashed through my mind and I have a non stop motion picture running through my head of things that I never want to see again. Except, I can't stop it from playing in my mind. The good parts would make me smile, if I could.

I've heard everyone come to visit with me but it seems like it's been a long time since Jake visited my room and spoke to me.

Has he given up on me? Or maybe he's dealing with the twins a whole lot. I don't know and I can't say for sure. All I know is that I hope I'm strong enough through this.

Scratch that, I am strong enough to get through this and I will for Jake and for my babies.


So Maddie's still in a coma and there's a lot going on in Maddie's head. Tell me what you think and how you like it. What you think should happen next. Anyways, idk when I'll update next but my goal is next weekend when I have time some time,



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