Chapter 25

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Maddie's POV

I-I don't know what to do about all of this. I didn't know that Jake could carry such anger. I mean I guess is was probably Max but still. Will he accuse me of two timing again? Or can the both of us put this all behind us.

"Mads, Jake told me what happened." Layla says as her and Xavier come into the room.

"I-I just don't know guys. He accused me of cheating on him after everything that he knows has happened. I just don't know." I say sounding hopeless.

God, I feel hopeless.

"Well either way, we're going the the doctor right now so we can make sure everything is okay with the little one." Layla says.

I nod my head and sigh to myself yet again.

How many times is that today? Too many for me to count.

We walk down the stairs and Jake is no where to be seen. Maybe he's done with me... I'm the horrid mate that I know I was all along. He probably doesn't even want to ever see my face again.

I feel like crying but I hold it all in. I blame the stupid hormones and the stupid mate bond working together. Ugh!

We drive over to the pack hospital and we go right in to where the doctor is suppose to check me over and make sure that baby is okay.

"Hello, I understand that one of you lovely ladies is carrying a pup? Let's just take a little look shall we?" The doctor says coming into the room.

I lay back and he puts cold gel on my stomach causing me to squirm.

I wish Jake were here...

I feel like such a bitch...

God, what if he never comes back to me?

"Well everything seems to be okay, they look healthy and about the size of maybe a month or a month and a couple weeks." The doctors says.

I run everything through my head again.


"They?! There's more than one?" I half shout.

"Yes, congratulations, you're carrying twins."


Holy fuck!

How am I going to do this all on my own if Jace decides to leave me? God, I'm truly and utterly screwed to the point of no return.

"Um, would if be possible to tell who the father is?" I ask timidly.

"Well, I can tell you right now, by the smell you're sending off from the babies, I can tell that they're beta blood and from this pack."


"Thank you." I smile, but all I really want to do is cry my eyes out.

They're Jake's!

God, I'm having twins.

I have to tell Jake.

"Xavier, can you please tell Jake to meet you at the pack house. I need to talk to him and I'm afraid he won't go if I'm the one who calls." I say.

"But you're his m-" I cut him off.

"Please." I say quietly.


We get back to the pack house and sit in the living room as we wait for Jake to come back. He told Xavier that he didn't want me with them when they talk because he's afraid of what I'll say, if ill kick him to the curb.

No, I believe in second chances.

"Xavier I'm here, let's make it quick so Maddie doesn't s-" he stops as he sees me sitting with Layla and Xavier. "You lie to me." He growls at him.

He looks at me and his eyes soften. I know he feels like shit about what happened just an hour ago. But I have to let him know that I'm not leaving him.

"Jake," I say softly.

"Baby, please I'm so sorry." He says and it looks like he's on the verge of tears.

"Xavier let's give them some alone time." Layla says.

"But-" he starts but is cut off by a harsh "Now" from Layla.

They leave, leaving Jake and I in the room alone.

"Jake I'm really sorry for how I reacted." I tell him.

"No baby, it's my fault and Max's we knew what was going on in your life. He just didn't take what you said very well. I'm so sorry baby, if-if you don't want me around then I completely understand." A tear slides down his cheek and I can't help but feel myself cry too.

"No, Jake I love you so much, I never want to lose you. I over reacted because of all the damned hormones in my body. It's not fun being pregnant with two." I mumble the last part so he can't hear it.

"Baby I promise it will never happen again." He smiles weakly.

I fold him into a hug and I feel myself begin to cry on his shoulder.

Stupid ducking god damned hormones!

I stop crying and take a breath as I lead him over to the couch.

"Jake, pure the baby daddy and the doctor said that they are in healthy condition and they look the right size for about a month and two weeks." I tell him, wondering if he'll pick up on the 'they' part.

"Really? I'm the dad? I'm going to be a father! Oh my god I'm going to be a father! This is so exciting baby! Wait, did you say they?"

10 seconds, not too bad.

"Yeah baby, I'm pregnant with twins."

"Twins?" He asks to make sure I'm not lying and he heard me right.

"Twins Jake. We're having twins." I clarify.

I look at his expression and then he pulls me in to a big tight hug. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you of the babies." He whispers in my ear.

"Jake...can't...breath...." I struggle to say into his chest.

"Oh shit sorry." He lets go and I take a breath.

"Shhh. No swearing round the babies." I scold playfully.

"They're not even born yet! They don't comprehend words yet." Jake smiles a playful smile.

"Yeah well, I don't want any swearing around my children." I tell him.

"Our children." He corrects me.

"Our children."

Our children....


Hey hey hey! We won the soccer game 1-0 and now I'm popped. Anyways...

Ahhhhhh! They made up just like you all wanted!

And just let me say, oh my Lordy, twins!

Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!



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