Chapter Six : Fallen

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"Where are you originally from?" Xavier asks.

"I'm not positive but I think I was from Arizona." I reply.

"How old are you?" Jake asks.

"I'll be seventeen in a week." I state.

"What's your favourite thing to eat?" Noah asks.

"I would have to say Pizza." I reply.

"Ah, there's the teenager trying to though." Layla jokes.

"What ever." I laugh. "Can we move on?" I ask.

After they are all finished questioning me to the fullest extent, I climb back up on the bed and watch as everyone leaves the room.

I feel so alone when everyone leave. I walk into the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror once again. To me, I look ugly and no one could ever tell me otherwise.

I dig my razor out of my bag and start to burry the blade deep into my wrists as a wave of sadness flushes over me.




Not good enough.


No one will ever want you.

Thinking of all the words my past parents have called me cause me to want to just give up. I dig the razor into my wrist deeper and deeper each time.

My vision starts to go blurry and my breathing slows. I fall to the floor letting go of my razor ad letting it fall to the ground. I hear the door to the bathroom open and someone rush in.

"Come on baby, stay with me." The masculine voice says picking me up.

Before I kew what was even happening I black out surrounded by the smell of blood.


I walk out off the room with everyone and I immediately feel saddened.

"You should have stayed with her." Ace says.

"She doesn't know us! We would've scared her off." I point out.

I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach and I know something is wrong. Something's wrong with Maddie.

"Whats going on?" Xavier asks noticing that I stopped walking.

"Somethings wrong." I whisper.

I rush back into Maddie's room with Xavier in my tail and instantly smell a metallic oder coming from the bathroom.

I can feel Ace trying to take over but I push him back.

I open the door to the bathroom and see my little mate laying almost lifeless on the floor. I rush over to her and pick her up. I look down at her wrists and see the cuts that are berried in them.

"Come on baby, stay with me." I say with tears running down my cheek.

Before I knew what was happening Maddie was out conscience inn my arms.

"Call the pack doctor!" I hear Xavier shout as he kneels down beside me.

"Why did she do this to herself?" I sob.

"From what I know she's struggle with depression for some time." Xavier explains.

"Why didn't you tell me this? God dammit I'm her mate and I need to know when somethings up!" I say.

Maddie is drifting in and out as she lays in my arms.

"She made me promise not to tell anyone." He says.

"Dammit, you are Alpha and you could have explained to her why you told me and this wouldn't be happening." I growl.

"I'm Alpha and you are Beta! You will treat me with fucking Respect." He growls in a dominant voice.

The pack doctor rushes into the room and Xavier yells for him. He instructs us to place her on the bed lightly.

After what seemed like hours of the doctor looking over Maddie and stitching some of the fresh scars up he turned to the now full room of Noah, Jacob, Layla, Xavier, Lacey, Erin, Lucas and the Luna and Alpha of the Night Fury Pack.

"She will be okay. There is no definite time that she could awaken but my guess is sometime in the next few hours." The doctor explains. "She has lost a lot of blood but because of the wolf gene in her blood she will recover fast."

"Thank you doctor, you may leave now." Luna says showing the doctor to the door.

"Everyone out, now." I growl.

I watch as everyone leaves the room and I climb up onto the bed next to my little mate and close my eyes. Soon falling asleep to her magnificent aroma.

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