Chapter 24

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Maddie's POV

"What am I going to do?" I freak out.

"Firstly, clam your shit. Stress isn't good for the fetus." Layla says to me.

I take deep breaths in and out. How am J going to get through this? I'm barely educated, and I'm still a freaking teenager for crying out loud.

"I need to tell Jake. And I need to know who's it is." I say quietly.

"I will call the pack doctor and hopefully he'll be able to tell you. You need to stay calm though. I will get Jake up here and I will call the doctor. You just tell him everything okay. He won't hurt you." Layla says and I just nod, unable to speak.

I pace back and forth in the room not knowing what I'm going to say to Jake. We're still teenagers! I'm sixteen and I'm going to have a child, someone who I am going to have to look after for the rest of my life and I'm starting so soon. God, what did I get myself into?

"There's nothing you could have done. Besides we'll be a great mother."

I sigh knowing she's right.

"Baby, what did you want to talk to me about? Layla said its urgent." Jake says storming into the room scaring me.

Instinctively I hold my hand over my stomach. A mother instinct is to always protect the child. They're already kicking in.

"Jake please sit down." I say quietly, looking away.

"Maddie, what's wrong? Baby, please tell me." He begs sitting down on the bed.

I sigh again.

I have to tell him. I can't keep it a secret forever! God, I just have to rip it off like a bandage. Fast.

"Jakeimsosorrythattgishadtohappenforusrightnowandihavenoideawhatsgoingtohappenandidontknowwhoitbelongstoandimsososorryaboutthatbutjakeimpregnant." I say super fast, not even understanding myself.

"Slow down there flash. Babe, please." I can see the fear and worry in his eyes.

I suck in a breath and begin.

"I'm pregnant Jake. But I don't know who the father is."

"What the fuck do you mean you're pregnant? And how the hell can you not know who the father is?" He roars standing up from the bed.

I back up and hit my back against that wall as he continues on with his yelling. He's beyond pissed.

"Have you been sleeping around Maddie? We've only slept together once and you've be already slept around." He accuses me and I just can't hold back anymore.

"You fucking bastard! How dare you accuse me of that! Do you not remember that I was kidnapped?! Did you not feel my pain when I momentarily like my wall slip? You're such a ducking asshole. Do you not remember how you found me?! Naked Jake! Naked! I would never sleep around because I love you and I thought you loved me. I was even more sure of it tonight however now, I'm not so fucking sure. I was fucking raped and beaten and you have the god damn audacity to call me a two timing slut? You know Jake. Take this stupid ring and get out of my room! Get out! Get out! Get out!" I boom and shout and I'm pretty sure that everyone in the pack can hear me.

God, why did I blow up like that? Sure it was seriously pissing me off to have my own fucking mate think I'm a slit and sleeping around but really, does he not remember that I was kidnapped? Beat? And raped? Why is he acting like such I gigantic arsehole? I can't help but feel like he doesn't love me anymore. Like it was all just a rouse.

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. He deserves to feel that way though, after what he just did.

"Maddie, I'm sorry, plea-" he begins but I cut him off.

"Get out of my room right now Jacob."

I feel defeated and deflated...

Jake's POV

"I'm pregnant Jake. But I don't know who the father is." She says to me.

My wolf, hearing that she doesn't know the father, takes over instantly and becomes majorly pissed off.

"What the fuck do you mean you're pregnant? And how the hell can you not know who the father is?" He roars through me. I try and gain control over my body and my mouth but I can't. It's no use, my wolf is too strong.

She backs up and her back hit the wall. I try to calm him down but he just starts yelling at her again. God, what's going to happen after this? She is never going to want me after this. What have I done?

"Have you been sleeping around Maddie? We've only slept together once and you've be already slept around." He accuses her and I watch her her facial expression turns from hurt and upset to determined and pissed.

"You fucking bastard! How dare you accuse me of that! Do you not remember that I was kidnapped?! Did you not feel my pain when I momentarily like my wall slip? You're such a ducking asshole. Do you not remember how you found me?! Naked Jake! Naked! I would never sleep around because I love you and I thought you loved me. I was even more sure of it tonight however now, I'm not so fucking sure. I was fucking raped and beaten and you have the god damn audacity to call me a two timing slut? You know Jake. Take this stupid ring and get out of my room! Get out! Get out! Get out!" She screams and shouts and my wolf just backs right off and I regain control of my body and my mouth.

She throws the ring on the ground and it bounces out into the hall. I fucked up big time and so did Max.

"Maddie, I'm sorry, plea-" I begin be she cuts me off.

"Get out of my room right now Jacob."

I know I screwed up big time.

I have no idea what will happen between the two of us now...


Please read this authors note!!


Holy shit what do you think will happen between the two now?  I have a general idea of what I think my happen but I want to hear what YOU want to happen!

Do you want Maddie to stay with Jake? Or should she kick him to the curb after what just happens? Do you believe in second chances?

Give me your opinions cuz that is what I want before I creat the next chapter!

Also, I have a game tomorrow night and I'll tell you now, if I get some comments here and we win or tie tomorrow night, well I'll do an update when I get home. So please please please let the opinions flow in!

Thanks, with love


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