Chapter 27

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Jake's POV

"What the hell is happening Layla! I trusted you to make sure my mate was kept safe and from what I see right now, she isn't safe! She's on the verge of death and so are my pups!" I shout as I pace the hospital floor.

"Jake I know you're upset but you really need to breath and think positively. Maddie is strong and so are your pups, everything will be okay." Layla smiles weakly.

She doesn't know that for sure and there's a chance that I could loose my mate and my pups. I can't let that happen.

I begin to break down. "I can't lose them, I just can't."

I'm crying now.

When Maddie got here, the doctors took her in for an emergency C-section. They've been in there for about an house now and I'm worried out of my mind. Maddie had to carry the babies two more weeks before we know for sure they'd be perfectly okay. Now, there's a number of things that could go wrong with Maddie and the babies. I can't let my mate die.

"Sit." Xavier orders and I comply. I don't have any mental strength to fight it.

I place my head in my hands I breath in and out slowly.

"Look at all she's been through. It's worse than this and she's made it through. She will make it through this Jake, I promise. Your pups will too." Xavier says patting me on the back.

"Madeline Jackson's family?" A doctor says and I lift my head up.

"All right here." Layla replies.

"Well, we were able to get the babies out without causing more harm to Madeline's body then there already was. Now, is the father here?"

I stand.

"Well congratulations young man, you have two healthy baby girls. Now, as for Madeline, she's still in critical condition and throughout the next twenty four hours we should know more. All we know now is that she's in a coma right now."

"Am I able to see my baby girls?" I ask in almost a whisper.

"Yes, follow me this way and you can fill out the birth certificates if you've already been set on the names." He smiles at me as I follow him down that halls of the hospital.

Maddie was set on one name if we had a girl. We had everything planned out no matter what the outcome was so I know exactly what I'm writing on the birth certificates.

The doctor leads me into a room where I see both my babies together sleeping. A tear rolls down my cheek.

"When will we be able to take them home?" I ask.

"Well, we monitor them for about three days to make sure everything is okay and then once we know everything is fine, you will be able to take them home." He half smiles to me.

I nod my head.

"Did you have names picked out for the babies?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer.

He hands me the two birth certificates and a pen.

I write down the names of my two beautiful baby girls. {A/N I forgot if I had a last name for Jake so if you remember tell me and I'll change it!}

Quinn Layla May Elliott

Blyth Erin Christine Elliott

My two beautiful baby girl. Happy and healthy, that all I could ever wish for.

I stand there looking down on my baby girls and a smile spreads across my face. Two little things created my Maddie and I. I feel so proud that I was part of making these cute little girls.

"Hey, doc showed me where you were." Xavier says.

"Hey." I nod my head but continue to look down at Blyth and Quinn.

"They're beautiful Jake." He smiles coming up beside me.

"I know." I smile back.

"What are their names?"

"Quinn and Blyth." I answer.

This is the start of a whole new beginning.


What do you think? I know it's been a while but I'm going to try my best to update on the weekends if I can.

Anyways, there are about three or four more chapters to this book and I don't think that I'm going to be creating a sequel. I'm probably just going to do an epilogue and end this book and work on one of my many others.

Maybe I'll update tomorrow! Let's see, if I can get 100 reads this chapter today and before I wake up tomorrow then I'll write another chapter tomorrow! What do you think about that?

Thanks for reading, you're all the bomb


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