Chapter 28: At The Blue Clouds Heaven

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At The Blue Clouds Heaven

Tarrah is standing in front of the ocean.

Then, they appeared one by one.

" Wow! A very nice ride! I love it! said by Mikael while almost want to vomit. " My stomach is the one that has a headache not me. "

" Hahaha! " Angelo laughed at him. " Strange experience for a journey. My God! Thanks, I'm still alive. "

" Those are the blue clouds. " Bobo said to them while pointing the blue clouds that are playing in the ocean.

The fairies appeared in their front.

" Where did you go? Oh, I miss you, Bobo! " said by Angelo and trying to hug his fairy.

" Stay away from me, you idiot! " Bobo said.

" Why did you left? " asked by Tarrah to her fairy.

" The fairies are not existing in the world of alive, in the world of human. We are only appear here in all the Blue Heavens. " explained by Hina Fairy.

" Oh, okay. " said by Tarrah.

" That's the second step. Those are the Blue Clouds, right? We need to get them. I think, one for each other again. " Paul said and was about to walk going near them.

" Stop! " said by Bobo.

Paul looked to him. " Why? "

" You are also stubborn and boastful same like Angelo, ha! There are four kinds of Blue Clouds. The Blue Clouds, the dark-blue clouds, the light-blue clouds and the glittered-blue clouds. You need to ride them to get them. Once you already ride them, they will be yours, will become your vehicle wherever you will go. The light-blue clouds are kind but they choosing their owner. The Dark-Blue Clouds have strong emotion and easily anger, they are the most fastest clouds, but they are so hard to catch. The Blue Clouds are sensitive, don't dare to disturb them while drinking because they will fly with you and fell you in the middle of the ocean and will give you their most bad fart. The Glittered-Blue Clouds are the most kind and friendly. They are easy to catch. Anyone who will ride them can be their master or owner, no choosing. But, they are limited, so hard to find. The fairies cannot help you because the blue clouds are not enemies. The fairies cannot fight the blue clouds. But, don't worry, each of you will have one blue cloud, but it will takes time to get one, maybe, it will depends on you. Good luck! " explained by Bobo while presenting his big screen in front of them.

" Hey, you! " said by Angelo to the Dark-Blue Clouds. He ride to the Dark-Blue Clouds.

" I found one! Hahaha!!!!! Fly High, you, floating cotton!!!! " Angelo shouted while laughing. The Dark-Blue Clouds is flying with Angelo.

" And one more thing, don't call them anything, aside from "Klaw! Klaw! " to get them and have a ride with them. " Bobo said while following Angelo. Bobo is so disappointed to him. " Good Luck! " Bobo shouted to Angelo.

" Thank you for the information, Bobo! " Tarrah said and they went to the ocean while saying " Klaw! Klaw! "

The Dark-Blue Cloud is flying so high. It is angry to Angelo.

" Hey! Hey! Wait! Stop!!!! " shouted by Angelo while holding so tight to the cloud.

" Don't drop me!!!!!! " Angelo shouted but Dark-Blue Cloud drop Angelo in the middle of the ocean.

" Help!!!!! " shouted by Angelo while falling faster to the middle of the ocean.

" Klaw! Klaw! Klaw! Klaw! " said by the Dark-Blue Cloud.

" I found a Glittered-Blue Cloud! " shouted by Bella. She is already to it.

" I also found one. " Tarrah said while hugging the glittered-blue cloud.

" They are cute. " Tonette and Mika said and ride in their glittered-blue clouds. The girls are easily to get the glittered-blue clouds.

" Klaw! Klaw! Klaw! Klaw! " said by Paul while slowly going near the light-blue clouds but it fly away from him. The Blue Clouds was left in his location

" Okay. Okay.. I will try this one. " Paul said while saying "Klaw! Klaw!" He went near the Blue Cloud.

" Do not disturb them while drinking. " Paul said.

" Klaw! Klaw! " said by Paul while trying to hold the Blue Cloud. The Blue Cloud did not move when he hold it. The Blue Cloud looked at him while drinking.

" Oh-oh! wrong move! I'm sorry! " said by Paul but the Blue Cloud ride him into it and fly him so high.

" Stop! " said by Paul. The Blue Cloud is angry to Paul. The Blue Cloud dropped Paul in the middle of the ocean and before the blue cloud will left him, it gave him a bad fart in front of his face.

" What the-? What is that smell?!!! Oh! My God! Do you have a bad stomach? Go to the toilet room not in my face!!!!! " shouted by Paul while wiping his face and splashing water into his face.

A Glittered-Blue Cloud went near Paul and drink water.

" This is the chance. Klaw! Klaw! " Paul said and he touch the Glittered-Blue Cloud and ride into it.

" I found one! " shouted by Paul.

" Good to all of you! " shouted by Angelo while still swimming going to back to the shore. He is tired from swimming. He was dropped in the middle of the ocean.

" Oh! God! So far! How can I reach the shore? " Angelo said. " Hey!! Can you help me? Is there anyone can help me? " Angelo said.

" No one. " said by Bobo while flying and following him.

" You! I thought you are my fairy. Then, help me! " He said to Bobo.

" I am a Book Fairy. How will I help you? " Bobo said. " But, I will try. " Bobo tried to push Angelo to swim more faster. And, its working.

" That's great! Thank you! " Angelo said but Bobo did not do anything to make him faster.

" Stop. Just go and ask help from them. " Angelo said to Bobo.

" Okay. I will left you here. Be careful to the sharks. " said by Bobo amd he fly away from Angelo.

" Wait! There are sharks here!!!! Faster Book Fairy! Faster!!!! " shouted by Angelo.

" I have a name! It's Bobo! " shouted by Bobo to him.

" Faster Book Fairy! I don't like your name! " Angelo shouted to him.

A light-blue cloud caught Angelo and let it ride into it.

" Oh! Wow! Is this real? He chose me! Thank you! " said by Angelo.

" I think, he only pity you, Angelo! " shouted by Bobo to him.

Mikael was able to caught a Dark-Blue cloud.

"Oh, wow! how did you get the dark one? " asked by Raphael while riding in a Blue Cloud.

" Nothing. I just followed the fairy. I only said "Klaw! Klaw! " and he let me to ride on him. " Mikael said.

" I did the same with Mikael. " said by Nathaniel while riding in a dark-blue cloud.

Gabriel was able to caught a light-blue cloud.

" We finally get blue cloud each of us. So, our next destination will be on-" said by Tarrah.

" Blue Halo Coffeeshop. " They all said at the sametime.

A blue wing was appeared in their palm.

A portal was appeared in their front.

" Time to go. " said by Bobo.

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