Chapter 12: At The Moonstone University

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At The Moonstone University

        Life is somehow quite intriguing. Life is somehow quite, somehow too modest, as of a kind of plant that will folds in whenever anything touches on its leaf. And, it is somehow too tiredness for an individual that is just seeking for solemnity and silence, yes, silence, as always, as always.

I stopped from walking.

I stayed in standing in front of the entrance gate of the Moonstone University.

He is walking first before me.

He stopped from walking and turned his head back at me.

" Yes? Why did you stop? " He asked.

I remained in silence.

I did not speak.

But, my eyes are looking in my front, in the Flagpole. I can't stop myself to smile when I remembered something ridiculous thing, or embarrassment thing rather, that I've made when I was in my high school. I have a Slam Book at that time. He was sitting there, at the flagpole, a senior student, when I approached him just to ask for him to write on my slam book. A ridiculous thing that a kid would do, and embarrassment on my part, of course. And, it is normal for a kid.

I smiled.

" Why are you smiling? " He said.

I turned my look at him.

" Nothing. " I said to him.

" Let's get inside. " Gabriel's said.

I nodded.

We entered in the Moonstone University and went directly in the covered court for the program. The Moonstone University is having a program for costume contest for the fund raising of the University.

They are already here, Raphael and Bella. We went directly to their chairs.

" Tarrah! " Bella said. Then, she led us to the vacant chairs beside them.

To my surprise, they are all here. Tonette, Nathaniel, Mika and Mikael, except for Angelo.

" You're all here! " I said in surprise. " But, A is...... " I said while looking around to look for him.

" He is not here. " Tonette said.

" Yes, he can't come here. " Bella said. " He has an important event for their company tonight. That was what he said when I gave the ticket to him. "

" Oh, you gave him a ticket? " I said in a surprisingly tone but it should be a question.

She nodded.

" Yes. We gave you a ticket for all of you. " Raphael said.

I nodded. " I see. "

" I am correct. The ticket is for me, Tarrah. " Gabriel said. He is now sitting beside of Mikael's chair.

I ignored him.

" Oh, you gave the ticket to him? " Bella said. " Good. "

I raised my right eyebrow. " You did not tell me that I should give the other ticket to Gabriel, Bella. " I said in between of my greeted teeth.

She gave me a questioning look.

" I thought you already knew. " She said. " The usual. "

I did not speak.

Yes, the usual.

" Ssshh... The program will going to start. " Mika said while looking at the stage.

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