❦︎ No, Rae ❦︎

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He droned on and on about prices and harddrives. The napkin drawing was getting too crowded. The clock struck five and he hadn't finished yet. I looked up to Lorelai, who clocked out two hours ago, and nudged her. She looked at me and we exchanged expressions before she held her hand up.

The man in front of us shut his mouth in fear. They all do.

"Your plan has no executive summary, your financial plan is by far unrealistic. Your idea was subpar, so I'll give you another chance to fix the holes." Lorelai grabbed his business plan and her bottle of water before leaving the room.

He hurriedly grabbed his papers and scrambled out of the room. Our team walked out as well. I closed the door behind them and locked up. Lorelai held the elevator to her apartment open until I got there. We rode the elevator in silence, waited for the doors to open into her apartment and once they opened, so did the floodgates.

"You didn't come back till this morning. You never stay overnight." I took my heels off and threw myself onto the couch.

"He locked the door." She takes out a small clear box filled with greens. "What was I suppose to do?"

"Get out." I say and turn around as she walks into the living room with two forks. "It's never stopped you before."

"I was tired." She says digging into her salad and shrugged again. "Long day."

I smile at her, shaking my head because I know she's lying and she won't admit it. She never stays after sex. It's just one of the things Lorelai is known for. Maybe one of the things i know about Lorelai. Maybe she was really tired and he did really lock the door.

"Okay so spill. How was it?" I bite down on my fork filled with salad. She shrugs again but usually she just spills afterwards.

This time she doesn't.

"Was it that bad?" I whisper and she looks up at me from behind her lashes. Her eyes, a striking grey, bore into my own boring brown eyes.

I was starting to think it was that bad. I grimaced until she rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Four hours."

I think my eyes were close to popping out of their sockets. My eyebrows met with my hairline in shock, shock that filled my body whole. Four hours? I can't get Derek to last thirty minutes. On a good day it'll last forty five, but not usually. Lorelai got four hours and she says it's bad? Maybe she had already finished and he just carried on.

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