❦︎ Do You Want One? ❦︎

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My heart was beating harder against my chest. I rubbed my, then not swollen, wrist and tapped my feet against the carpet.

I couldn't let Lorelai ruin it. I couldn't let her sabotage the only good thing in her life. My gut was never wrong, and it was telling me to interfere before Lory makes it worse. I don't know how she would but she would. I know her.

I take a look around the building, all types of people walking up and down. The buzzing of chatter filled the room in every corner. Large scripts of something was being passed between the employees. I was so used to the cold building I worked in that sitting her in this warm building made me break a sweat.

"Raeni Powell."

I whipped my head around and came face to face with Ares Russo, owner of Russo Constructions, holding his hand out to me. I extend my hand and shake his, smiling up at him.

"Russo. I came to talk to you about Lorelai." I noticed that he frowned a bit when I mentioned her name. I didn't think anything of it, probably just stressed about it.

"In my office."

He lead me to his office and opened the door for me. I walked in and was immediately hit with the smell of mahogany. It was strong and very pleasant. Ares still has that smell in his office. I don't think he would've changed it out. Even if Lorelai said she hate it. It's what makes him, him.

I sat down and got straight to the point. He rejected my suggestion, but I wouldn't give up. It was lle giving up on Lorelais happiness. I couldn't do that. Each person deserves happiness and love. Lory needs it. I can't hold up that title for too long. We needed to share the load eventually.

"Wednesday, seven pm if you ever change your mind."

Those were my words to him and I had hoped that he would have stayed true and listened to my speech about how Lorelai was scared of him. Not in the sense that she was petrified of him, his strength or girth, but in the sense that he was someone that could tear down her walls with simple word.

He was that powerful.

I wished I were that powerful over someone. I really wish I had that power over someone. And that the same someone had the power over me.

My husband.

Who, at the time, had been acting so perfectly. After our argument, and very aggressive agreement, I've been excited to go home. To be with him. Same with him. He's been knocking off work early, hasn't drank around me and would sleep in the guest room after an evening with his co workers.

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