❦︎ Shes Just Lorelai ❦︎

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Chaos. Pure anarchy.

Ares had had enough of the slapping so he stood up and started shooting. I could hear Dom screaming through the ear piece and Ares threw his away. I couldn't see straight and was crouching down most of the time. I saw Luigi pull out his gun and point it at a clueless Ares, busy with everyone else. I was so glad I was hidden.

I took my aim and shot at his shoulder, momentarily distracting him. Stefano came through, protecting Lorelai and Ares as the men filtered through the place. I have never seen so many of them at once. It was like ants around a piece of food, fighting for the last piece. All of them protecting Lorelai from the other.

I ran over, shooting two guys away from Ares and watched as they dropped dead. I escaped through the back door and went to the van. I threw a gun at Dom and loaded mine again.

"Do I have to?" He whined. I shot him a look that said he had to and he groaned loudly before getting out of the van.

Our feet padded quickly against the concrete, the crunches resonating amongst the gunshots. A series of it went through the building, stopping Dom and I in our tracks. He threw himself onto me, protecting me from the impact of the building crashing. We went inside and found that Luigi had escaped and Lorelai and Ares were fighting side by side. I see Stefano, working his way to the front door.

"Who's that?" I shouted over the hellfire. Dom shrugged before running with my hand in his over to the door. He pointed his gun to the side, shooting who ever was shooting at us.

He stopped suddenly, looking at Lory and Ares. He shouted at their moment and I grabbed his ear, whisper shouting at him to leave them alone. I dragged him to the beam that Ares shot down.

The closer I got, I saw it was Giana. I quickly helped her up and out from under the beam. I held onto her arms tightly and dragged her to the van. Halfway there, Stefano grabbed her from me and hauled her over his shoulder.

He looked really upset as he threw her into the van.

I turned around to see Lorelai hanging on Ares, trying to walk by herself but he had a grip onto her that didn't allow that.

I could already feel that that night was going to be a long one.

When we got home, I immediately went back into the room. Stefano could see I wasn't well and I didn't want to hide my feelings from him so while he held me close to him, I cried. I couldn't keep up with this torture of fighting and killing. I killed two people, their families have no idea where they are, they think they're fine. I killed them for my job, to protect my best friend.

Just that thought made me cry even more.

"Rae." Stefano pulled my face up to his gently. I blinked the blur away and looked at him. My bottom lip quivered before I placed it between my teeth. "You can't think of it too much."

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