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    IT HAD BEEN AN uneventful few weeks, but the few hours had been very eventful. Harry ran to the quads quickly after his divination class, explaining a situation about how Sirius Black would be coming back tonight.

Emanuel and Valencia showed up shortly after that. The rest of the school wasn't informed, it was just required for all students to return to their common rooms after dinner.

Yet, here were Thea and Teo, not in their common rooms after dinner. Instead, they walked towards the forest of Hogwarts, exchanging a look when they saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron all watching Hagrid' hut from a far.

"What are you idiots doing?" Teo asked, startling the three third-years. "Well, idiots and Hermione."

"Listen, I know we're not supposed to be out here, me specifically, but Buckbeak is about to die and we had to visit Hagrid!" Harry exclaimed.

"And you might die if Sirius finds you!" Tommy called out, making Thea and Teo turn around to see him, Tobi, and Carina.

"What are you idiots doing?" Thea repeated, looking at her brothers and gesturing to Carina. "She is the biggest target!"

"You guys hadn't come back yet and we were worried." Tobi defended. "And then Carina was like, I'm going with you! And who are we to say no?"

"Dumbasses." Teo rolled his eyes. "Alright, the third-years saw Hagrid, so let's go— Now, before it gets dark and before my dad and Tia Val get back from going over the school grounds."

"Yes, Teo's right— Hart?" Tobi questioned and the group turned to see Ember and Ashton walking past them dressed in all black with a pair of pliers. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Hey Golds," Ashton greeted, giving the group a wave. "Potter, Wealsey, Granger, Villarreal. Um, we— Em and I, were just going for a stroll."

"We're going to free Buckbeak," Ember admitted and her brother glared at her. "What? They won't tell! Right?"

"The minister sent Buckbeak to death, the literal Minister of Magic," Tommy clarified. "And you two are just going to free him?"

"I reached out to an organization that has a sanctuary for Hippogriffs, because they're endangered," Ember explained, crossing her arms. "I have a scout coming tomorrow to retrieve Buckbeak, so Ash and I were going to spend the night in the forest with Buckbeak while we waited for the scout."

"Em, Minister!" Ashton urged his sister, pointing at the Minister of Magic, his executioner, and Dumbledore, who all entered Hagrid's hut.

"Okay, we have to go." Ember smiled at the group and grabbed her twin's arm. The Hart twins ran down the hill, towards Buckbeak.

𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now