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She.....a painful memory......a beautiful past.....his unknown


Except Ashwa no one knew about his hidden wife....even ashwa wouldn't have known.....

Sometimes he she a fantasy?? No those beautyful and passionate moments are hard to be delusional....

If dream can be origin...then hrishika born out from his aspiration.

To the world he is the ruthless warrior who never knew the sore taste of defeat..... Arrogant lowborn....

But for her he is the most soft hearted man....a man with empathy and compassion for every being around him....a rare side of him which she only discovered.....

Ahh!! Suyo gonna be mad if he ever knew that he kept a secret from him...a secret of he having a babhishree.... what's so new in this when his entire existence is a secret......

Laying in bed he once again thought about the sacrifice he have to do very soon..... thankfully as a diversion once again his thoughts invaded by her memories......

She was a shadow who invoked the most beautiful feeling of love in his heart being supportive through his dream.....

When was she entered on his life..... ofcourse after challenging kuru prince at kalapradhashan.....after he becoming the king of Anga........

Those days were eventful....he never knew a small change of occurrence whould have prevented a lot of lose in the future....

Yes!! This war is inevitable....but she whould never approve the idea of war...she is like the lotus born in mud.....

A riddle which he always failed to solve....she is a commoner...but who is wise... intelligent....brave and at top beautiful as goddess as even to put every royal queens in shame......

She came as a cool breeze and stormed out much that's not true.....even her absence were powerful enough to make him understand the reality of life.....

Her entry to the story of this low born was majestic and created a love saga of her own with him..........


Renovated walls of palace of Anga shined in moon shore and the newly made king stood at the top of his palace gazing the entire Kingdom by radiating the aura of restitution around him......

The path to the throne of Anga was not easy.... accepting kuru prince's friendship was easy but not the same in case of the land of Anga........

Fighting with his own insecurities first...then with the society. And atlast what he gifted was a title were his hardship. He built a kingdom from nothing in the short time available.....

The day...son of suta crowned as a king.....he have already saw many emotions in his people's eyes....and sure there are some with admiration and expecting a lot from the young fearless warrior who literally claimed his feat infront of royals......

Parashuram shishya pointed his ears at the north where from a massive flapping of wings heard and his eyes narrowed at a pair of eagle eyes that piercing the darkness......

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