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Son of Yama glances his army who about to defend the unexpected blow.... udaipur.....how that mighty kingdom became their enemy......his eyes narrowed at the wrath shown by nature itself....how can their army could fight in this bad weather....the nature getting worst and raining as if their army will be drown  in flood.....

He came out from the tent to get drenched and somehow he could figure out all these odd thing related to the ruler of Anga. That man is beyond prediction....no ordinary human could ever perform that deed and yet he being in the camp where adharma's rise is........

He could already see the hesitance and fear from his own companions. Even his own brothers are not sure of the current situation....Arjun is there infront of the sena as a brightening star...but keshav's absence added strength to the insecurity of even the bravest warriors....

His own heart beat abnormally at the thought of this war.....how shameful it is for them...the panchapandavas to fight with a kid who is even younger than Abhimanyu....But the sena never ever faced defeat....if anything happen to that boy in command...sure that lady empress won't sit quite...The Chief commander...Her brother will be in battlefield atleast to save their honor....And defeating him is nearly impossible who for decades fighting with Asurs...even if it is possible, what about her and her illusions??

Yudhishthir felt darkness filling his vision and future...a small tap from behind made him look back to the savyasachi who the only one confidently about to partake the war.

Gandivadhari informs, " We should head to Warfield....they are already there....

Don't let them mistake us as afraid of a tiny boy...."

Seeing the doubt in his jyest's eyes he assures, " Jyest!!! Atleast am not the one to get scared of a teenager...let me teach a lesson that kid!! "

Voice of Vayuputr boom behind them, " Why brahmastra for a bird?? Our abhi is enough for him..... hahaha......"

Arjun twiches his lips upwards in a arrogant smirk....the elder one nods them the permission to head for battle....the bad weather made him afraid more of the upcoming events.....


Ruler of northern panchal panics at the storm that looms at the centre of kurukshetra...the entire sena were drenching in rain and his eyes looks upto the sky for bhagawan suryanarayan who no where to found. Comets fell in rage and the storm gulped each single thing in it's might....

He looks the boy who unfazed of anything and says, " Putr... don't you think the idea of war is a bit stupid at this condition...."

He got the reply immediately, " uncle!!  Look where the storm is ahead!!!

It is samragyi's pain and rage...it will harm only the one who put her in there...."

Drauni shook his head in frustration. What the hell is this boy is saying....why should samragyi to get angry on those devputras when clearly udayipur allied with dwarka....
Still they supporting kurus and now waging a war for mitr vasu...why??

On the other hand pandavas were in inner turmoil.....the bad weather along with the army they have to face made most of them shiver in fear. Yudhishthir gulps......there is an intuition of something big on the way.....

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