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Horror....yes pure horror what passed through the eyes of drauni after hearing the impulsive decision of that boy from udaypur.....who the hell will start a war at this situation...and top of that why he getting affected by karna's state....

He narrowed his eyes at the boy who in a haste gathered his army that like ocean waving to destroy the panadavasena. He gave instructions to that huge array of soldiers and it were kinda funny how seriously all hearing and ready to obey that kid's orders...

" Hridyanshu......"

He saw how he getting tensed at his sight and know the reason well. He have clearly heard that word from his mouth and will definitely find the root.

He initiated the conversation and didn't jump to the point straight, " War...... isn't your decision is impulsive?? "

He literally got irritated at the smirk on that boy's face and reply, " Am from Udaipur....we never tasted failure and never will be...."

Unlike others guruputr were not the one to worship this representative of the great udaypur. Yet he had a fondness towards that young boy who achieved such a respectful position at this tender age and for the respect he paying to karna....yes that special interest is what confusing and irresolute......

Ashwattama asks out a little annoyingly, "Aren't you a little too much confident for your age...A real warrior will never underestimate his enemy's potential..."

Seeing no change of expression on that kid's face dronaputr took it as a query for continuation and says, " Vayuputr with his strength of thousand elephant will rip apart your head from skull...

Ahh!! Maybe you with your enormously powerful sena could pass over him....but there is one another ultimatum.......Indraputr..... "

Drauni's eyes got narrowed at the much careless Hridyanshu and as an answer he says in a mock tone, " What you to quiver on his name like you do....."

A fire.... that's what ignited by those words. One another have concluded that he is inferior to that devputr. But before he could explode....the same boy with a smile says in a much calmer tone,

" Oh king of panchal!! You are right....a real warrior never underestimate his rival's calibre...

But here am confident on myself and my kingdom...."

Ashwattama's face were still hard at the insult that made the boy to continue, "This war is not to defeat pandavas...and it's not between me and indraputr.....

This war is between Udayasena and Pandavasen.....

To destroy them....if death of indra's son could calm empress's fury then it will happen...

For whom Indra had put that great soul in agony whould have to ready to his journey to yamalok....."

Ashwattama's eyes widened at the finality in those words and shine of blood thirst in his eyes. He gulped unknowingly....

That boy's chest swelled with anger and shouts to no one, " Indra!!! Your deed nothing but futile....Dare to face empress if you want to save him....."

Guruputr gaped his mouth in him and karna ever acted disrespectful to any dev and here this kid challenging the king of devas. What he understood is that boy have much belief on that lady's she that powerful?? Illusions....which is something they have to afraid of.

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