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Darkness rushed inside the palace walls as if it were waiting for the sun to go down and the king of Anga laid lazily in his large wing. One week went in a blink yet the wait was like a decade for him.....The next day he could meet her.....last time she left abruptly....why she is all mysterious??

Broking his chain of thoughts a pigeon flew in and he instantly rushed to take the message knowing who sent it......


Harshini looked the empty lake place where she supposed to meet she early?? She settled under a tree deciding to wait for him....maybe she could use her power to know where he is....but no....she made the decision of not using any privileges of Harshini when she live as Hrishika.....his hrishi........

Time went on....yet he didn't showed up...... disappointment filled her heart that it became heavy. She remain waiting for him till sunset...... She gazed the sun going down inviting the  moon rays that hardly allienate the darkness. She sat as a marble statue waiting for him.... darkness was not something she afraid of. But she felt vulnerable.....the entire day she waited for him.....

Her face tightened....she furiously stood up deciding to take her leave....look what she got when she preferred to live as Hrishika.... harshini....the arrogant witch title can only suit her....her fury made the pale white attire turn in dark along as that dark aura graciously return to her...swift of her dark long uttariya made her vanish in thin air leaving behind only green fogs......

And just as she vanished the king of men who is the definition of muscularity arrives and jump down from the hoarse....the place seemed like abandoned and he were sure she were here from that bewitching fragrance of flowers that existed there......


Harsh walked towards the palace of ruler. All day his father worried as his priyaputri found missing. And he know very well where must be she that kingdom under hastinpur. He is not against her wishes.....but when it comes to that warrior she kinda ignorant towards all other matters, that was not they got taught from childhood. Udaipur....their priority.......she forgetting all...

He walks into her royal wing and the moment he saw something triggered inside....all that hard demeanor changed. She were just sitting in a chair.....deep in her thoughts. Something odd about her that made him worry.....she seemed weak for the first time in their entire life. He rushed to her side and her usual emotionless stare made him release a breath....

He states, " You kinda pathetic for a moment ago!! "

She just replied, " Am okay!! "

Harsh sat opposite of her by saying, " Father were worried about you!! "

She doesn't replies for that and he took a one good minute for observing her before concluding that she is upset over something....and if she is not happy on the same day where she gone to meet that archer...then the source of her disappointment too lay over there....

He calmly said, " All these while you were strong... nothing ever made you vulnerable!! But am warning you sister!!!

That man somehow became your weakness and he has such a strong hold on your emotions.... beware of that!! "

She blinked her eyes knowing how true are his words and calmly said, ". Brother!! Leave!! "

Sighing he stood to go and stopped in midway by saying, " Oh by the way there are much happening in aryavart and am sure you are unaware of those!! "

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