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Dwarkalord felt helplessness for the first time. He with determined steps walked through the widely spread inner compound of udayapur palace. With each step he recalled her words,

"Achyuta....Now Hriday is there too!! A small scratch on them.....

Then I myself will be on kurukshetra"

Unknowingly a frustrated groan left from the ever happy king of dwarka. Why she have to create such a mess on the destiny he have built. He already knows panadavas can't never win over the kurus fairly. He have to cheat, deceit, trick,lie....a lot more.

But with her support nothing whould work. What she have warned, don't harm her dear one.... winning over that flower bloomed in mud is difficult. sure pandava can't win him in a straight manner....

But the real threat now is Harshini....whether in a deceitful manner or not, his lose will bring destruction. She will be the doom of panadavasena. But without his lose panadavasena will be in ashes....

Her entry to the epic he have written will create a chaos. She will turn everything upside down. Even without her power she make others kneel infront of her. She is a lioness....a precious gem that concealed from the eagle eyes....

Those so called kings of Aryavart will get obsessed by her presence only...but they all have to pay for what they have done till now to the only obsession of her's......

Reaching the main palace he took a left turn to find the one of the few persons who have permitted to make suggestions on the decisions that took by Harshini. Pushing open the wooden door he got inside the luxurious chamber of the prince of the famous kingdom......

Without looking around he directly went to the balcony only to find out the man gazing moon. Tall....broad shoulders....fair in complexion....dark brown eyes....thick black hairs that tied back.... minimum jewellery. ideal brother. Who always stood with his sister and never questioned her. Never thirsty of power....many pompous warriors in entire aryavart didn't yet know the worth of this humble human infront of him. He never hesitated to become brutal infront of the vile and always were kind infront of the deserving ones.....

Hriday raised by these two...never gonna be a simple task to slay him down. Why he forgetting...she whould never endure a single scratch on Hriday...yet all alone slaying him. Impossible....if anything happens to will awake her fury......


A call from the senapati made the lord of universe travel back to present than future. A calm smile were there in the face of handsome prince of Udaipur......

Before he could say something the man himself blocked his words, " No know I whould never interfere on her decisions...

And I don't want to....cause what she doing is  right....."

" Harsh!! Supporting the camp which gave origin to the injustice will never be a right thing....."

" It's much better than supporting the camp that hoisted the injustice....."

With a tired gasp the lord asks, " Now what next?? She ruined everything...."

" Stop this war!! "

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