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Red clothing that covered the mighty Vijaya bow which is gold in complexion and only yielded by maharathi karna were flew high by catching the attention of wielder of Vijaya who merged in his memories...

His eyes traced the red gem that he studded on the center of Vijaya....pain... that's what he feeling at the sight of that shining stone.


Son of Radha jerked awaken from the peaceful slumber he had at the midnight after a tiring his blurry vision he could see a silhouette of a woman at his balcony...

With a newfound energy he rushed to there, he know who is she??

The one who sending letters occasionally for the past few years after he made a king...the one who constantly came in his dreams and troubling his sleep.....

It was impossible for him to find this uninvited guest of his life whom he never saw or don't have idea of how she look like...And now she herself came. He not gonna miss this chance....

As she were a hand away from him she turns to face him and all he saw final was a red gem that adorned in her neck on a single chain illuminating hard enough to cover her face in red rays. If it was someone else...sure they might have closed their eyes in unbearable light...

But he looked past the rays, yet her face didn't he took a step forward all he saw was red beaming only...nothing else.....


With a jerk parashuram shishya woke from the sleep and sat disappointed on his royal bed...

One another dream....was too close to see her face. But this time got a hint to find her...and he will find her very soon by searching the woman who adorned by the precious red jewel.....

He will search the whole world for her....yes with the past few years she have made him crazy enough to search a woman who constantly visit him in dreams and top of that who sent letters that filled with tantrums....

She never forget to taunt or admonish him whenever he make a mistake even by accidentally...but never once bothered to appreciate him for the largest feats he achieved......

No more she gonna play with him.....He have to visit panchal very soon for the fireborn's swayamvar.... And after that no matter what comes he will rest only after finding this woman who had the audacity to question about each of his act......

It's not so far to bring her to the light from her hiding place......


" OH MY GOD!!! "

Suryaputr blinked open his widened eyes hearing the awestruck voice of his friend who is king of northern panchal.... He gazed all around and find the same reaction on every warrior on kaurvasena.

Even he couldn't believe what he seeing infront of his eyes. Till now the support gained by kaurvasena is already double in strength infront of panadavasena...but the udayasena is exactly same in size of kauravasena that included army of many kingdoms which now doubled the strength of kuru army......

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