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Lady ruler of aryavart were at the same shore where the sacrifice done by her husband. Finally she is out from the shackle of responsibility...she once broke it for him and yet again for him only.  She have never ever even in dreams wished to being an obstacle to achyuta's path though she were completely against the politics of aryavart and the later happenings.....

She always demanded only her husband's good to achyuta and she even decide to stay away for that....

" Harshini!! "

Call from her brave sibling made her look back and her eyes were eager to know about his state which she already knows.

" He is fine!! Will open his eyes at anytime soon...."

She says in a haste, " Then i have to reach there before he awake.... it's not the time for him to intervene on whatever am planned!! "

" What you meant?? "

"Brother!! I know him...he is vrisha!! Whould never allow someone else to take his battle and I want him to awake to a world without those pain and insults he suffered all these years...."

Senapati of udaysena nods and asks in a low tone, " So Harshini!! The day he get to know the identity of hrishika is not far away....right?? "

The lady watches her brother for sometime and nods an yes. Harsh asks, "  Are you sure of his reaction?? "

He could already read the uncertainty in her face, but she replied dryly, " I were there with him and watched every step of our life from his perspective......

Now it's his turn and he should see things from my the end he can decide...."

" What if he abandon you forever for betraying him all these time.... especially of his son!! "

Though harsh could feel the annoyance of his sibling he carried on, " He is generous and kind!! May forgive you....

Then where will be your future?? Nothing gonna be like old times!! "

The lady releases a sigh at the overthinking nature of her brother. Though whatever he said is considerable....but she is really not in a mood to think of that and pour cold water to the revenge and rage igniting inside her....

She states, " I should be going!! "

Before she will merge in air he asks, " May i join in the war?? "

With a smirk she replied, " No don't let the game end so soon!! Though keep your eyes on hriday...."

Rolling his eyes he says, " As if I want your command to take care of my boy!!! "

She smiled at that and thoughtfully said, " No brother!! No matter how we raised him the blood flowing on his vein is king of Anga's

There is a reason why he called vrisha!! Hope he don't inherent any of that traits from his father......"

Her face hardens by saying, " Because the enemies are the worst in disguise of poor souls!! "

Holding her both shoulders harsh assures, " Just go ahead!! A single scratch on my boy....I let them see the real hell and they don't even get the chance to regret......."

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