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Guru dronacharya with mahamahim watches the battle and that Brahmin father's heart were beating madly...he holds bheeshma for support seeing his only son fighting with Arjun who is unsuppressable by anyone....

Bheeshmacharya says in a matter of fact tone, " Your fear is irrelevant!! Look the grace of your son....they both not gonna win each other!!! "

Still that Brahmin sobs, " I should be there in side of my son!! I have to......."

Bheeshma were expressionless....the sudden launch of war were unexpected. His kids fighting with udaysena.....a kingdom whose valor is hidden yet all know they are unbeatable. Their fortunate only a kid is there to represent them yet the strength of their army have swallowed half of the army of pandavas within one day........he would have helped pandavas but suyodhan favors the other party....all he could do is stay silent and watch the mess......

Even Arjun couldn't do anything....drauni showed what are of him is capable of......and that kid....he is can he battle like this at such an young age.....he is a baby who still need his mother's love and father's care....but here this boy being hero among millions.....

How his grandnephews struggling with this kid only...... Udaipur won't risk their prestige on this boy......even if Arjun defeats hridyanshu by any means.....udaysena will be hosted by it's true reign holders....also there a chance of this boy  belonging to the royals of if anything happens to this kid it will be like buying their enemity.....if Senapati harsh get involve in this battle then the end is predictable......

As he heard from his mother the empress is master of illusion...she may make his hastinpur a barren land and turns his family into ashes....who can stop this chaos???

As if reading his thoughts bharadwaj putr says, " He....only he can...."

Bheeshma raises his eyebrows which made the other one say, " The one for whom this battle happening!!! "

Bheeshma helplessly looks drona....that is one another thing...why  Udaipur even began a battle for karna?? Everything is complicated....even mother not revealing much and the one who know everything seems like disappeared..... Sreekrishna......

Drona insists, " Mahamahim we have to do something.....I should participate by my son's side!!! "

Breaking their convo of war the sound of hoof from far heard and they shifted their gaze to an approaching horse which rode by a terribly handsome man with well built body and radiant face with silver complexed skin....

Both the aged men were in a awe on finding one another man with godly features.....only Sreekrishna and karna could stand with him in terms of looks and maybe in war doubt he is a sculpted warrior......

That smirk in his face somehow made them remind of the audacity displayed by powerful people. Jumping down from his horse he took heavy strodes towards those two elderly warriors..... without minding to greet them he introduces himself,

" Harsh!!! "

The name itself were enough for them to understand who it is....the famous unbeatable warrior from Udaipur. When kuruvanshis fought for throne......this man served the throne along with his sister.....nightmare of asurs...... Prince from that peculiar premise......

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