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Udaygiri....The large mountain stood tall as a first shield to udaipur. To enter the famous udaipur one have to climb and descent the udaygiri first which is not that easy task. Normally many whould go back in halfway.. it's doubtful anyone ever tried...even if tried it's sure none have succeeded...

Cause udaygiri is the shelter for many known and unknown beings which included rakshasa, nagas and top of that all of them are loyal. Empress Harshini may spare an enemy...but never a deceitful coward. Also the blessed woman casted layers of illusion around her kingdom to put the one with negative intention to irremediable trauma. So passing all tests of mayajal is a hard part while traveling through udaygiri.....

Udaygiri is a eyesight to watch...though it's dangerous the beauty is beyond words. Udaygiri allure it's prey and hide the danger by it's indescribable beauty. The tallest mountain is embraced by greenary and some rare herbs are only available there...

It's enriched with beneficial things for Udaipur. Centuries old trees are considered as the protectors of udaygiri and even gandharvas chose them as their residence........

After descending the udaygiri before reaching the borders of udaynagar all have to cross the udayvan enshrines darkness and confusing forest path that lead to nothing but same spot where the journey starts. Samragyi's illusion is at it's peek in udayvan enought to make someone lose their sanity forever.......

The dense forest is unreachable from light and guarded by wild animals that never entered the city and made no harm to peoples of Udaipur. Udayvan is huge enough that made journey to udaipur take months. Though the mountain and forest were scaring....it was opposite in case of the kingdom. Main city and rural villages were ethereal in look and structure.

The kingdom was rich...but no showoff of luxury in none of the streets. Everything kept it's simplicity and natural touch . Simply....the entire Kingdom gave away the feel of home to everyone. Clean and well structured roads, streets, market and pathways....

Small fountains were usual sight all over the kingdom that nourished birds, animals, peoples and useful for farming. Officials made sure that every single being in kingdom face lack for nothing. Treasury of Udaipur never came empty and it distributed for people's welfare.....

Every men and women were employed for farming and other services that help in the growth of their nation. Senapati Harsh himself trained thousands of capable warriors who sworn their blood in name of loyalty to udaipur.

Top of that samragyi were stubborn in the matter of every single child getting proper education. In udaipur there is no discrimination based on caste or color. If anyone tried to question that policy...they never got a second chance. Prince harsh's sword have drank much blood of such hypocrites.........

It's true that ascenders of harshini and harsh too fought and protected Aryavart from Asurs. They too maintained their secrecy. But when Harshini came empress she have changed all the inner structure of Udaipur and made it stand alone from the beliefs and norms of aryavart and Harsh were that of a brother who took in every single word of his sister as divine order.........

Empress don't usually visit or enquire about her subjects. She don't have to...cause her power is like an eyesight that give away all visions. Though her brother were too close to peoples and they all respected them both. Still peoples of udaypur don't know much about the sister-brother duo's personal life.

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