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" All back to our issue in hand!! ",

Harsh announced stopping the talk of gathered people there. Now it's again empress and fire born. Harshini asks one another question....but this time the ire was evident in her voice,

" Where were your husbands?? If am right unlike others you have five husbands who are all renowned warriors!! Where were their weapon and virile when their wife stripped infront of a bunch of royal vessels!! "

Both pandavas and kaurvas gulped at that and hung down their head. Draupadi gathered her courage to defend her husbands, " Empress am sure you know what exactly happened in dyutsabha!! My husbands were enslaved.....they..."

Harshini cut off her by saying, " I pity you matter slave or not if a man can't protect his wife's honor when he is alive then better they should castrate themselves into some enunche!! "

Bheem growled at that words making harshini glare him in anger. The very next instant he looked away feeling the fear grasping his heart. Karna were silent...he felt it hard to look up to her face.... dyutsabha, a place where he acted against his morals.....

Harshini asks, " So princess draupadi!! What punishment we should give to your husbands who all staked your honor and done nothing when you got disrobed?? "

Draupadi took in heavy breaths before saying, " What they done is wrong yet they have already redeemed themselves by being exiled for years!! "

Harshini rolled her eyes before stating, " If that's the case then my husband too don't deserve punishment as I literally kept his son away for years!! That's a punishment right?? Plus he lived a life that...."

Draupadi taunted, " Ahhh!! Empress is so desperate to conceal her husband's deeds!!! "

Harshini let out a sharp breath saying, " You better check that tongue of yours before I lose my patience!! "

Draupadi paled like a ghost making hrishika chuckle and others were chose to be just spectators. Hrishika herself eased the atmosphere, " Just joking!!"

Though afterwards the fire born didn't dared to make any snarky remarks. Harshini asks, " Princess you want kauravas to die...but all your husbands got is living in forest for not protecting their wife!! not at all it make it sense!! "

Draupadi gulps as empress said, " Look princess I just gave a chance!!! But no way am here to fulfill your wishes!! I would have only if it were justifiable!! "

sighing she continued, " I understand your anger!! Am glad to kill them all!! ofcourse except my husband!! He don't deserve it!! "

Karna rolled his eyes making harshini smile and continue, " I know why you wanted to punish only kauravas!! but they too do have wives and kids!! "

And finally she declared, " So if you still insist them to die I will make sure both pandavas and kauarvas to have same fate!! "

Draupadi glared the woman who sweetly smiling at her and said, " Why you even asked my opinion at the first place?? just to insult?? "

Harshini managed a smile before saying, " You may have a seat now!! "

With that harshini calls, " Suyodhan! "

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