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The battle enraged by Udaipur swallowed more than half of pandava's strength......panchala troops were wiped out from existence.....

The boy became nightmare for his opponents.....womans from pandava side cursed the Udaipur and it's empress who sent this dangerous kid to slain them.....they still couldn't figure out what wrong they done to get into the bad list of the empress..or is this war to display and prove their power and dominance over aryavart.....

Draupadi recalled kauravamata's words....queen was right. Kuru dynasty always fought each other that they never thought of this threat from udaipur......

On the other side gandhaari were worrying. There is no gain Udaipur gonna get by supporting her son....some political drama taking place. They waited for the kuru dynasty to part into two completely and initiate a war by gathering all kingdoms. Now they striking one side and Victory is sure for Udaipur...after that they will turn to rest of the kurus....they will dominate entire aryavart and kshatriyas have to serve them like slaves......

Kunti felt all her efforts to secure the lives of her sons came futile.....now a lady from nowhere have to destroy everything and everyone.....

The real problem infront now is the battle of subhadranandan and senapati of udayasena...both young lives raging each other to take one other's live....The battle seems brute...subhadra's son guarded by most of his cousins though the other preferred to battle alone.....


Harsh stood at the top of a mountain where from he could see the battle field. He smirked seeing one another son of panchalkanya taken to healer. He smiled wholeheartedly seeing his child outshining others....the boy taken the battle as a joke and enjoying the plight of his relatives....yes he know the real identity of king of Anga from his sister.

But harshini were adamant to conceal that from their son. Cause her son like his father have high morals and values. Maybe he won't intentionally hurt his own blood....but she don't want him ever to develop such emotional attachment towards the other sons of pritha.

She never hated them... it's just for her they were never even worth of her or her husband's time. They are just pawn in the play directed by achyuta..and she wanted her husband to stay out of that. But despite how much she tried he were always walked on that path itself which happened to be one of the reason that she didn't returned to Anga......

His attention shifted to battlefield when arjunputr released a divine shaft that simply nullified by hriday.....


Arjun who always set an eye on the battle of his son and that young boy shocked seeing them started using divine astras.....he wanted to go there and stop the battle cause by this time he understood the boy is hard to get defeated by abhimanyu.....
It will bring shame to his name even if he defeat such an young boy.

Hriday and abhimanyu continued the battle. Somehow both wanted to win each other though hesitated to behead the other one. Hridyanshu released two mighty shafts together that one got nullified by subadreya's arrow and the other one broke the opponent's bow into two....

Hridyanshu without any emotion announced to an shocked abhimanyu by breaking their silent battle,

" Return to your mother's abode and stay there!! If you stay here anymore I won't  hesitate to behead you!! "

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