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If time could freeze then it would have done that long ago to fix the troubled hearts of the fearless king of Anga and the enchantress of Udaipur.....but it can't yet it played it's role to make them realize how hard it is to survive without one another.

Eight months have passed.....all kaurvas have already left to woods whereas suyodhan and sushasan taken by harsh to Udayvan. Pandavas back to Indraprasth. Well....the youngsters were much active in politics and everything went as empress's wish.

Son of karna have roamed almost all kingdom as if he owns all land....well he do...after all he is the son of empress. Plus his over protective father who wouldn't hesitate to behead if someone even dare to talk back to his son. Radhamaa have shifted to palace of Anga as soon as she met with hriday....the due tried hard to make karna forgive the empress. Eventually they gave up knowing karna just faking his hatred only to make his ego win over love. Despite the age hridyanshu in battlefield field is nothing but a  miracle.... undefeatable kid of the power couple.

He got loved by kaurvapatnis and their kids. He bonded so quickly with lakshman and dumrsen. But some certain things triggered his father was him frequently visiting Indraprasth with lakshman and even started to call arjun's son as 'Bhrata'.... Arjun too were not that fond of the idea...but none of the pandvas dared to stop him from going there.....

After that day where the justice served empress have just vanished from their life. But knowing she could watch them from anywhere made them all think and act wisely. Like fearing an illusion....

And finally the king among lions....means son of Aditya were not really doing well for the past days. He acted rude whenever someone brought the topic of reconciling with his wife who tricked him throughout their martial life.... even though he know the reason he wanted to be stubborn for no particular reason. As time passed all stopped him persisting about forgiving her which made him further deprived of sleep.

If he were living in a hell all those years without her knowing nothing....what he going through now is beyond any word could describe. Knowing she is there seeing him yet waiting for his forgiveness and they being separated....it all doesn't make any sense now. All he could properly do was taking care of his kid...but that boy is more than capable for his age.

Ashwattama who knows what's going on taunted him once saying, " Are you planning another thirteen years to forgive her finally?? "

Shaking off all the thoughts suryaputr rode his horse as fast as lightning....he have crossed all borders. Now staying right down where udaygiri which is a gate to Udayvan....he glanced the mountain that kissing the sky above. Except the chosen one no one could go through this mountain and forest to reach the city of udayrani. And he knows well nothing gonna trouble his way...but....but he couldn't make up the mind yet to go to her.

Shaking away the thought he sped his horse back. His mind wavered in worry of Suyodhan and Sushasan who might be spending their exile in Udayvan. This happened numerous times before him just coming to visit the entrance of udaygiri and leaving abruptly....him being a coward!! Isn't it??

Why he have to pity himself when he too played a major role making her leave him forever.... And about hiding the fact she being the empress!! Whom he to blame her for that when he lied to his gurudev to gain knowledge and still hiding the truth of his birth from all his loved ones....well he do have his own reasons and she too had.....

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