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Royal Hall of Udaipur were crowded....all gazed their princess who just inherited the throne and sat in her throne nothing less than a lioness. Her posture, eyes and gaze everything were fierce....The ancient golden thrown were like it made for her. The coronation went good and entire udaipur crowded outside the array of palaces. Subjects themselves were celebrating...... The former king's chest were swelling with proud.....His eyes filled with tears.

Harshini sat on the throne with a smirk by gazing everyone and found the only outsider who invited being genuinely happy for his sakhi. Despite of the fight they had both exchanged a very small smile of assurance each other. Harsh who were disappointed with their quarrel relaxed a bit at that.....He too took over the post of Senanayak at the same day.......

Her coronation fixed on the day of full moon and she were eager for that day. Not to take over the throne...rather the next day she can meet him. She were pushing each day very hardly. Once they saw each other...from then on she were resisting herself from going to him......

Descending from the throne she walks to the huge balcony and from there she gazes the ocean of crowd gathered there on her special day. Applauds and cheers of them made her understand how much they all trust her despite of she were distant from her subjects unlike her brother. Yes she were the one who protected and worked for their welfare....those hopeful eyes made her understand the responsibility she just took on her shoulders. Not only them.... safety of entire aryavart is now on her hands and she know this is the primary responsibility of her from childhood.......

Harsh, sreekrishna and udhayang walked to her side as they all were joyous. As always she were in her collected manner....her eyes moved from the people down to her father when the older man cleared the throat. Releasing a breath he spoke,

" Putriii!!! We will be having a guest on next week and should welcome him properly!! "

Seeing achyuta's smile her eyes narrowed as she asks, " Udaipur doesn't entertain outsiders....Is he worthy enough to cross our borders? "

Krishna was the one who answered, " More than worthy!! It's already both should have met earlier!! "

Udhayang said, " He is a friend of sreekrishna....thus we should treat him in the same way we consider sreekrishna here!! "

Harshini noticed how her brother not so fond of the idea and father favoring achyuta. She asks, " who is he? Then we should decide wether he will ever be allowed here or not!! "

Both sreekrishna and udhayang's face dims and Krishna said in a calm tone, " Arjun....His vanvas is about to end and I thought let him stay here for the last days!! "

Harshini's lips tilted upwards and said, " You only wanted me to stay away from the politics of aryavart and now trying to make us friendly with those demigods!! "

Udhayang shook his head disappointingly and harshini continued, " I didn't saw anything worthy enough in that walking groom of your friend to come and stay in my abode....."

Harsh smiles yet her words were rude to achyuta. She walked away by saying, " Don't put that prince in trouble by sending here......He won't even pass udhaygiri and I will make sure of it!! "

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