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Time flied......the supreme avatar were careful on his planning by letting all those tools fight each other....he made them all powerful enough to make their defall effective than anything else.....the envy among royals strengthened after the establishment of indraprastha where a king beheaded by the Lord and another one insulted by the sharp tongued fire born.....

Harshini could feel the heat in surroundings.....the peak of drama what happening now and she know a strike back from kauravas too will take place..... anyway that was not something bothered her.... only him mattered to her.....

In account to made them closer and they know each other very well. A slight change could grasp by the other one........yet her truth remain safe with her. Somehow she hated being harshini around be precise she living in the lie of Hrishika to not to lose either him or fail her father.....

The former king of the land of prestige too were aware of his daughter's certain interest over a certain archer and it's time for him to make things clear.... afterall Udaipur is not where a person forced in marriage. He were in the main palace and went directly to the library where she might be now checking the contracts and deals.....but to his disappointment when he walked in she were just deep in her thoughts with a very small smile in her lips... seeing her smiling is very rare.....

He brought her attention by saying, " Day dreaming is not acceptable while working!! "

Her smile faded as she stood to greet him and replied by pointing to the parchments, "finished already!! "

He chuckled and called by keeping a hand on the back of her shoulders, " Come!! "

They walked through the corridors and he initiated the conversation, " I have waited to see you in the throne from the moment you born my precious........Mata Durga blessed udaipur with you!!

You are not like those random princesses who born to marry some king and live with the title of queen only to give a heir!! "

After a pause he proudly declared in a loud voice, " My Daughter!!! You are the real queen who born to rule!! "

Though harshini's face were blank...her eyes glimmered in content. She came more confident by her father's trust and proud upon her potential. They took the stair to top most terrace from where they can see upto the udayavan......

On reaching there he disclosed what his real intention on meeting her, " Putrii!! Am a normal father who wish to see his daughter living with all accomplishments in life!! "

She narrowed her eyes making him continue, " Now you are in throne and it's time for you to start a family of your own!! "

She states calmly, " Brother and you are my family!! "

He chuckles as he replied, " Yes we are!! But you deserve someone by your side when you lifting this much responsibility on your shoulders and udaipur deserve a heir in next generation!! "

Harshini's eyes dims the shine realizing at the end it's all about a heir. Sure it is..... Udaipur is their priority. her father may not have even discussed about starting a family if she were not the empress....he whould have left the choice of time upto her. But now he is here for the throne he always worshipped.

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