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A ray of red beam pierced the darkness of the isolated room that always screamed the clashes of weapon and it were located south region of well innovated not so small palace of Anga. Very soon the gleaming red rays caught the attention of the young king who were immersed in his training... putting aside the sword he walks to the source of divine glow...that lead him to the table where the mighty Vijaya bow that gifted by bhargava kept.

He smiles as he found the beam rose from the gem of his favorite intruder  and softly touches his bow. Running fingers through the gem he puzzles on the thought of how a normal girl can have something expensive like this ....the gem is luxurious and not to forget she adorned it with a long gold chain which now he have. The chain he kept safe and the gem he studded on Vijaya as it is precious as the Vidya he learned......

Whatever......this gem is the only hope of him to find her...... anyway after meeting her in real there is no letters or dreams. But her thoughts are eating his head... literally he is sleepless. She have to come for him...if she intervined the destiny of him then she have to finish what she began.....


Thick lashes that concealed the depth of those beautiful brown orbs fluttered before opening widely....empress leisurely wakes from the slumber and as she proceed towards the window that face west, it opens itself.

She gazes out to see her brother who training newly appointed soldiers....their Sena is vast as their kingdom. Udaipur stays in fog that rest could never understand it's power. They are of no threat.... otherwise even the insecure king of devloka might have done something nasty.


Harsh enters the chamber being all sweaty as his twin summoned him when he were busy in training the new soldiers...

He asks, " Sister!!! What's so important that you summoned me now?? "

Harshini in her usual strong authoritive tone says, " Go south....There a fight awaits!! "

Harsh's face got serious as he nodes and were about to go out when she orders, " Take New soldiers with you "

Harsh immediately turns to her gasping out, " Huh?? But they are just kids and inexperienced in battle!! "

Harshini without any change in her demeanor asks, " So?? At what age you started to battle?? "

Harsh didn't felt it right...he couldn't risk some young live at risk and tried to reason, " But!! "

He got stopped by her final words, " Don't delay!! Don't let any one of the enemies survive....."

Harsh stared at her face for few moments and tilted his lips in smile...why he being silly..maybe for others he is the kind one and she is rough...but in real she won't let anyone of her subjects to become pray in hands of asurs. She just want everyone in her kingdom to be strong and independent......

He nods and were about to leave when he noticed the absence of something that left for them to cherish as a memory for the late queen who sacrificed herself to bring them to this world. He is very emotional when it comes to his mother and obviously he got panicked...

" Where is that chain?? "

Though there is no expression he could feel the brown orbs getting wider for a moment. Before he could ask further she says,

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