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Vine leaves softly set aside by two lean white arms of the lady who is real definition of beauty. Her eyes widened on seeing the carpet of rose petals that paved above grassy floor of their secret spot and lips tilted knowing who done this....must be to pacify her.

She walked through the petals and looked around in a awe....he decorated around the whole place with rose petals knowing it is her favorite flowers. Her own aroma got mixed with the fragrance of rose. But he is nowhere to seen and she one last time looked at her reflection on lake......she were in pure white attire with golden jewels adorned yet she took care to keep the look of an common girl.

Her eyes narrowed sensing a whiz of arrow that approaching her and in a blink it untied her luscious long hair making it flow down like a waterfall. A golden band that tied her hair had got cleft and the pearls shattered with jingling sound. Hrishika looked around with confusion written all over her face....where is that archer??

She slowly walked around the lake and her long white uttariya crawled behind her. As she reached under a tree another arrow came struck one of the trunk making her drench in shower of flowers. She chuckled lightly before saying,

" Stop playing!! Come out my king!! "

She hopefully waited for him to show up. But no...he didn't. She sternly says,

" okay!! Am going!! "

With that she almost turned and before she could take a step someone jumped infront of her and the next thing she knew is being in arms of her love. He walked to the tree where they usually sit  by carrying her and mumbled into her ears huskly,

" Don't leave me!! Be with me forever..."

She gasped and looked him as if she saw some ghost. He chuckled and safely put her down....he released a breath before saying,

" Look!! I don't know how to present this...but no more i intend to hide it from you!! "

Hrishika expectingly looked him forgetting for what she even came there on today. He courageously confesses,

" I want to start a family with in love with you....will you be the queen of Anga?? Will you be my better half??

Hrishika....are you ready to join me on this battle of life?? "

He chuckled at her shocked face. she were about to say something when he hushed her by placing his index finger on her lips and said, " Hrishi!! What we had all these's...just more than friendship....

And I want you to acknowledge those feelings!! "

Hrishika were numb to speak....she came there to share about her feelings to him and here he already surprised her by his confession. She watched him walking backwards with a smile and winked before turning.

He kept going by saying, " Take Your time and say when you are ready to become my bride!!!

See you tomorrow!!! "

She opened and closed his eyes only to ensure it's radheya. Before she could process what just happened he long gone. Hrishika were almost dazed by his sudden confession...she were here to give a hint of her feelings or make it open...but he surprised her by confessing first. She face palmed at her stupidity of not saying an yes right away....

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