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Radha's son came early to welcome her and his heart were thudding....what he know is she too considers him special. But only her acceptance can bring them together for a life ahead....he were excited.....

He gazed around....the sight itself were refreshing and soothing like someone intentionally taking away all the worries and negativity from him...

A serene lake with crystal clear water and reflection of Surya on it were a good contribution. Small trees placed perfectly around the lake and grassy carpet made it look like the nature's blessing. Birds were chirping and apart from that only the sound of water fall heard....snowy water fell directly to the lake with much less force ...

Jingling of anklet made vasusen look back and saw her staring him in a blank expression. She were in pure white attire without any ornaments. Something off about her today. She just heaved a sigh and looked away from him...he with a smile walked to he neared she took some steps away and he frowned...

Harshini felt herself breaking into million pieces....this is the last day of Hrishika. The same commoner girl whom she wanted to embrace for the whole life....but she know for that she might have to give up the cover of Harshini....and she just can't do that. Her duties are prior for others and this sacrifice makes it worth.

He cleared his throat bringing back her attention to ask, " So hrishi!! When should I come to meet your parents?? "

She stood as stone and stated at last in a hard tone, " My king!!! There is no need for you to meet my parents!! "

He sensed the seriousness yet joked, " Why?? You planning to elope with me?? "

She looks back him and says, " My king!!! My parents won't approve the idea of our marriage!! "

His face got pale yet he held her shoulders by assuring, " That's it?? Oh my lady let me talk with them!! "

She desperately shook her head and says, " Just understand me!! They won't agree..... "

Before she could complete he interrupts, " So what?? Come with me as my queen!! "

Her face marred with coldness as she asks back, " Why should i?? You are in no position in my heart  to make me leave my homeland!! "

His face fell and he asks sternly, " Seriously?? Don't lie yourself!! Your heart beats for me....I know!!! "

She emotionlessly said, " You are in some delusion my king!! "

Vasusen who were a little behind her pulled her wrist and made her look back at him quite audaciously by saying,

" Whom you trying to trick hrishika? "

Both of them were in a desperate state unaware of a pair of eyes watching them. One is adamant to hide her emotions and the other being stubborn to make her understand the same emotions.....

Karna's voice boomed, " Hrishi!! Now i wish if you were only a delusion...but you are not. You became a part of my life....why?? "

They were holding back the tears. She bite her lips hardly and unable to stand infront of him turned to ran away. But he was quick enough to hold her wrist and pulled her back. She fell on to his hard chest, putting both her hands on his broad chest, she looked upto his face. He were glazing and those pair of hazel eyes were reflecting a mix of pain and anger...

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