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" To listen!! To listen each one of you!!! ",

She ignored all of their confused glance and harsh stood to announce, " Must keep all yours voices low and if anyone dare to interrupt the one who ready to meet my weapon..."

kauravas growled feeling insulted and karna's sharp gaze pierced those siblings....what they planning....they are all warriors....not slaves of Udaipur. Harshini's smirk infuriated them all...and karna reminded of hrishika who sometimes showcased nothing but arrogance and head weight which he admired back he know from where she got the venture for such things.

Drona stood up having enough and asked, " May I know what took empress's interest on the matters of far as I know Udaipur never crossed their path with any other kingdom!! So empress what..."

His words stopped in middle by harshini who taunted the acharya, " Acharya!! I think I clearly said am here to listen!! Not to answer anyone of you!! "

Drona stood speechless and slowly sat back to his seat while harshini continued, " I never support a war that threatens thousands of innocent lives..... though am showing the mercy to hear your side of story before deciding something!! "

Harshini looked all expecting someone to show the courage to speak up. And after a while none other than the fire born princess stood up with a very rigid face....her eyes said aloud how unpleased is she with current circumstances. Harshini kept a blank face as pandavas looked surprised not expecting their common wife to speak up. Most of the kauravas had that scowl and karna's face painted with disdain at the sight of two most arrogant womans he know....

The strong aura and charisma of illustrious divine beauty of udaipur literally made draupadi invisible to others. Draupadi felt lose of words finding all the attention still on empress. Her nose were red and blinking away the inconstancy she spoke,

"Act of brutally killing many warriors from our sena contradict the words of udayrani who loves to protect innocent lives!! "

Suyodhan loudly growled at the audacity of agnikanya and karna's face marred with more this woman can be blind with pride and arrogance. Harshini's face were blank as she keenly observed the lady who showed the courage to speak up. very slowly her face grimaced with a special glint on those brown orbs........

Chuckling she joked to her sakha, " Achyuta!!! Seems like someone here misunderstood me as epitome of self righteous!! "

Krishna couldn't help the grin that broke on his face which made drupadakanya's eyes to go wide. With a disinterested face Harshini answers, " Hey lady!!! Be happy you are still wearing mangalsutr and sindoor even after that five husbands of yours dared to cheat my son in battle!!

Be grateful you lost only your army rather than sons or husbands!! Sure I do have a big heart to spare them for a while!! "

Gandhari couldn't help herself from mumbling, " Arrogant!! "

Which clearly heard by the samragyi and looked everyone with a challenging look to stand against her. Draupadi looked her sakha who seems enjoying the show....she shook her head in disappointment and giving a sharp glance at empress's side which gone unnoticed she sat back with the insult that she just bought.....

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