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Ladies of pandava camp gasped at the change in atmosphere....those tents were blowing away by hard wind. Dust filled their vision as if it is storm.
All ladies camped on drupadakanya's tent and all of them wondered what's happening. All were worried for their dear ones in battlefield......


Ashwattama showed the way inside to the tent where the brave boy from udaipur got treated by physicians arrived from that enriched land. Karn enters a huge tent followed by ashwattama and an anxious suyodhan too came in.......

Those three looked the warrior stood in between two beds watching hridyanshu getting treated. Seeing all three there his mouth gaped a little and eyes glinted at the sight of karna. Fisting his arm he held it close to his heart and bowed to karn making everyone shock. Karna stared that warrior for some moments as a question came out as a mumble,

" H..Harsh?? "

Harsh smiles in return and karna joined his palms towards the prince of Udaipur to greet and looked his friends who followed his act. Suyodhan more than shocked to find that mightiest warrior he heard only through songs now in really infront of him. Suyodhan's eye widened seeing hridyanshu and abhimanyu getting treated. Hridyanshu's body seems got dark by the poison and were unconscious.

Whereas abhimanyu kept his eyes open and shrieked each time healers applied some sort of paste in his wound. That sight were painful for him and can't ever imagine his lakshman in place of these two youngest warriors of kurukshetra. Next moment he reminded of the fact hridyanshu is wounded and harsh still here....does that means pandavas defeated them?? No he don't want those cowards to get the everlasting fame of defeating the mighty udaysena.....

Harsh did had that smile of pain seeing karna there. One thing he sure is sun lord's son not yet know who is his real son otherwise he would have been here with the head of that one who hurted his son whom all these while kept hidden from his reach and love. He wanted himself to crush them all....but now they are in hands of hell and let them see the real hell....

Aswattama wondered were karna know who hridyanshu is or not?? Karna were searching for hridyanshu and he brought him here....were he searching his son or just that boy from udaipur?

Karna gulped not knowing how to react to harsh....if one person he ever disappointed with is.....she...just she only. Cause she is the one whom he loved....she is the one carried their kid and the same she made him deprive of the pleasure of a family life....
Suyodhan knows nothing....well he didn't deserved that after all being a good friend to him always. But ashwa....he behaves like he know something he don't....did he got to know Hrishika and Harshini are same!!!

Shaking off all those thoughts karna looked the unconscious kid in bed and his heart skipped a beat. His dried lips shivered seeing abhimanyu too there and heart thudded more hard seeing hridyanshu's face. He took the whole form in mind recalling the resemblance of them..... what's that mean?? Did that means??

His thoughts broken by the piercing voice of muralidar, " Yes!! That's prince of Udaipur who raged a battle for the deceit faced by his father!! "

With that Krishna went to the kids and Suyodhan were the first one to react by yelling, " What?? "

Harsh affectionately carassed hridyanshu's hair with a sad smile and nodded at Aswattama who asked in a whisper, " prince?? "

Ashwattama took in a breath finally realizing who were the queen of Anga to hide from their eyes all these time....The called witch among humans.....whose beauty and valor sang across all continents....yet remained nothing but a mystery.....

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