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Why the unbeatable and unreachable kingdom joined kaurva sena??

The shine of pride and admiration dimmed from yashodhasudhan's face and his eyes pooled with the cane of memories...sure not the pleasent ones......

Elder son of pandu cleared his throat and says, " You were reluctant to seek udaipur's aid for us when I insisted you for that....

I can see something lot behind dwarka and udaipur's relation......"

In contrary to Krishna's usual joyous and enchanting voice he says, " Nothing like that......"

Everyone went silent at his hesitation and after some moments lord of universe released a deep breath. He looked them all and found how eager they are to know more about udaipur....

Sree Krishna says, " What Dwarka and Udaipur now have is nothing but some official commitments only......

Both kingdoms apprentices each other by trades and politics...

Apart from that relation of dwarka and udaipur become sore....."

Third pandava couldn't help himself from asking out, " How?? "

Krishna replied slowly, " At first it was not the relationship between the kingdoms......

Our friendship extended to the politics of Aryavart and it drifted us apart....

Cause our views on future was different.....

With sakhi Draupadi's swayamvar..... Udaipur restrained their relationship with us completely solemn......."

Finding that statement weird panchalkanya asks, " How my marriage strained your relationship......"

To her dismay he answered coldly, " Everything is connected sakhi....

As I told...for Udaipur all that happened in Aryavart over the years were visible like a mirror........"

Ending the discussion on that topic dwarka lord walks out whereas others disturbed on finding how powerful is Udaipur......

Drupadaputri pales on seeing how the mighty warriors gulping and sweating at her sakha's revelation....the fire of anger ignited inside her.....

How the lady emperor can offer their aid to the opposite side....she must know of the infamous dyutsabha.....

Yet being a woman how she can be a obstacle to this battle of earning her justice ......Cold hearted witch......


Waves of anxiety and indecision blew on camps of kuru. Murmuring among people inside made the jyeshta kaurava thoughtful about the unexpected support he got.....

His apprehension raised to the peek and couldn't digest that udaipur....A kingdom rumoured to allied with dwarka had sent an official letter acknowledging him and wholeheartedly giving their entire sena which one's strength that unknown to him.......

Why?? Is they are trustworthy?? Or is it a trap set up by that trickster??

A husky whisper echoed on the tent where darkness loomed and engulfed gandharinandan,

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