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Sun that rose among humans were sacrificing his own immortality to a father's greed for his son. He were always alone like the sun and no other stars never succeed to outstrip it's shine. Like father he glazed even in the worst state.

That Armor of father's love were never an factor that added brawn to him. It was always him....if shakra thought taking away that piece of gold whould favour his beloved son...then it is wrong. It's just only a first step...there is numerous obstacle in indraputr's way to achieve the goal of beheading Vrisha.

Doors of heaven painfully closed after showering flowers on suryanandan for his greatest deed. Many supreme beings lamented at the painful state of the devputr. King of devas felt the weight of entire realm on his heart by the guilt and he doubted is the armour in his hand is burning as if it is not where it belongs. His vision got blurred and felt so low of himself at the suryaputr who walking away with a bloodied body.....

That warrior cut his own flesh to give away the golden armour. A smile were in his lips at the contentment of the sacrifice he have done. Giving away the immortality and blood dripping body were nothing in his concern....all that mattered for him now was surviving.....for his mitr.....he have to survive and overcome this...

His feets staggered at each steps that he took and inhaling of breaths became short. However with the little bit of energy left he walks ahead with a straight head and pride of not broking his vow. He opened his mouth to take air as the inhaling now became so hard. Vision got blurred and body swayed that causes him to kiss the ground.

Reaching the ground level as a final try he once again tried to open the eyes wide. But there is only foggy visions infront of him and through that he saw her for a moment....

Her delicate frame only....those pair of dark brown eyes and moon like face were still in mist...why?? His arms weakly raised in air as a try to hold her...but they lifelessly fell down....

A gasp left along with her name from his mouth, " HRISHIII......"

The last thing that he heard was a low voice of someone calling from faraway, " Pitasree......"

After that everything was hurt....all he have is caress of some cold memories........



Inner quarters of the royal wing were silent as apart from Harsh and there is no long any other royalties.... The greatest soul , their father who had the good heart of making his daughter as the sovereign of his ancient kingdom have died few years back which made the kingdom and Aryavart now have only the siblings as their guard.....

Empress emerged from the small pool that arranged in her royal wing for her royal bath. Her own aroma of all flowers got mixed with the special oils and sandal. Leaving the drenched footprints she walks to her chamber....

Standing infront of the mirror only in a dark green attire without any ornaments she gazed her reflection....all she saw was a stranger woman. She failed to find herself in that reflection....what she seeing is a facade....The empress Harshini...born arrogant witch....her dark brown eyes
pulsate hard inorder to find the true self of her own. Breathing hard not finding what she searching she ended up broking the mirror with her hand itself.

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