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Son of eldest kaurva's amused eyes were looking the younger one making the precious son of vasusen chuckle.... That boy behaving more friendly with him is nothing less than shock....how could he just leave behind that demeanor of insolent general of udaysena.....

They were walking side by side to the lake nearest... it's not like bhanumatinandan don't like the idea of befriending his mamasree's long lost son or something. That's why he quickly agreed to accompany hridyanshu when that boy suddenly barged into his tent demanding or maybe offering a walk together.

Their walk seems to have an halt seeing someone from opposite side sitting at the shore. Lakshman face hardened as he suggested at the younger, " We should go back!! "

Hridyanshu already walked forward as he settled beside the youngest warrior from pandvasena. Lakshman stood there hesitant to go to them or leave behind his younger one.

Abhimanyu states, " Everything going to be fine!! "

Hridyanshu smiles and seeing the other one without any mark of the previous battle he understood his mother is here to fix everything.....just not only for her family....

Hridyanshu says, " Bhrata lakshman!! Come sit with us!! "

Lakshman released a sigh as he took a seat beside hridyanshu. Hridyanshu made it clear to the others, " Bhrato!! My janani won't let this war take place!!

So it is much better for us to not to carry the rivalry and hatred of our fathers ahead!! We are the future!! "

Lakshman sighed before saying, " We will be the same one to each other's throat if the war happens!! "

Hriday chuckled at that and abhimanyu said, " Mamasree said everything will happen only according to empress's wish!! "

They remain silent afterwards making abhimanyu ask, " Why your parents are not together? Why no one knew about your mother? "


Karna found his son sitting with other two by the lakeside....he let out relieved sigh. He feared the worst such as losing his son and not seeing him again. He would have gone straight to her if the guards delayed a bit to inform him regarding finding his son here.....

He marched to his son by calling, " Hriday!!! "

Ashwattama and duryodhan were not far behind. Seeing lakshman his eye widened.....then only he knew his son too were not present in camps all these time. His eyes narrowed seeing arjun's son too there.

Hriday smiled and confused when his father engulfed him in a hug. Karna questioned, " Why didn't you inform me!! I...I thought..."

Hriday broke the hug by assuring, " I won't leave you father!! "

Karna's tensed face disappeared as he hugged his son again. Lakshman smiled knowing how affectionate his Mamasree can become. Abhimanyu surprised finding the king of Anga not trying to bottle up his emotions.......hriday really missed something precious for the past years......
After knowing their story it is hard to not to admire this man....the empress herself were broking her barriers for this glorious man in earth.

Karna released his son from the embrace turning to lakshman and held that boy's head in a affectionate way saying, " I wouldn't have worried only if I knew you were with him putr!!! "

Lakshman beamed at that and noticing abhimanyu there he sent a look at hridyanshu. He doesn't know what to say or how to treat that kid. Hridyanshu helped him as he tugged karna's palm by saying,

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