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The might pupil of barghava looked over the army that scurrying away from his divine shafts....yeah asur's attacking his kingdom. Nowadays they becoming more brainless by unleashing war on rural areas of many he were prepared. Yet the attack on his kingdom were with more pack of them. It was not just a sneaky attack instead a complete war........

A smile of victory made it's way to his lips and he releases a breath of relief knowing lot of time ahead for the sun to set. Those morons waged a war on the same day were they both decided to meet again. Yet the contentment of his feat shaded the didn't lasted long as a soldier came in a hurry to say,

" My lord!! One brute in main city attacking commoners whereas some reported few asurs went into our forest regions!! "

That man who till then fought as a lion got paled. He felt the entire world upside down....he can't leave his people behind and rush to her. She might be there and hope they won't find her before he reach there....a lady like her nothing but a possession for them and he can't leave her to them....

If he can't protect her then there is no meaning in living ahead. He orders, " Sent some soldiers behind them!! "

With that he sped his horse towards the main city knowing that soldiers won't even reach her.....he have to make it fast...the thought of she being in pain ignited the fury and the glow of anger were visible all around him.... destruction....he will cause pure destruction on entire dhanavas if anything happen to her.......


Hrishika looked around and grasped the change in atmosphere.....he also nowhere near.  They were meeting for the past few months and he took care to not to make her wait for him after that day...but now sure something bad happening, her mind tempted to get a glimpse of the whole aryavart...but no.... she is Hrishika... harshini can't taint the pure soul of Hrishika....the commoner.....
Still her heart beaten hard announcing the bad things happening around her. She remain calm and composed knowing how capable of a warrior is him.

Ending her dilemma the sound of source of all troubles itself boomed, " Harshini!! What am I seeing??

The lady sorcess outside her premise!!! Wow!! "

Voice of jatasur were not that strong enough to make her shrink in fear. Though she looked around for him and smirked as how he pulling magic infront of her.... it's true that she don't wanna use her powers when she disguise the hard soul of Harshini by the soft natured Hrishika. But she is not a dumb to put herself in trouble.... afterall he is not around..... jatasur asking it....let him have it....

Her face hardened and brown eyes tainted with green along her light colored dress changing into dark and all around hovered green fog. She were quite angered on finding jatasur following her to anga and there just by summoning her maya his illusion worn off and he stood infront of her.  Though he were trying hard to hide the panic, yet it was visible on his face.......

He tried to act brave by saying, " He might have died by now!! "

The moment he finished a thunder strike hard and dark clouds hovered over him. He became breathless and felt himself burning alive in the fire of anger exude from empress's eyes. The sky were falling down when he locked under the darkness and there she were in her furious avatar reminded him of goddess Durga.....

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