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One who bloomed by the passion of two strong yet kind individuals looked the nephew of achyuta in admiration. That young warrior took the sword from ground and were ready to fight till his last breath. No matter how much he respect the warrior...he is not someone who show mercy in battle. Something his mother taught him from childhood was to lock kindness away from battle to serve it at right time.....

Abhimanyu's vision were in blur yet he raised his sword and didn't at all flinched seeing the sharp sword that coming with the aim of his neck. But before the metal could drank his blood....his opponent stilled for a moment. Abhimanyu tried to get a more clear vision and saw an arrow that summoned with poison got struck into back of hridyanshu's neck....

Abhimanyu fell down and what he saw before losing conscious was a staggering kid from udaipur and his father....the greatest archer with an bow that released an arrow which meant to intervene their battle.... unfair........


Senanayak of udhaysena spread out the waves of horror in battlefield like a blazing fire....dhanavas all looked their king in hope who being calm even after seeing the young prince's energy in battle....

Udhayang were more than proud at his son. The former king were inside the center of vyuh while harsh at the opening leading their Sena to engulf dhanavas with their might. Harsh were adamant to make him stay in center just like a spectator.
Udhayang's smile dims a little sensing a dark aura behind jatasur. He saw his son who now marching towards the leader of asur clan.

Jatasur smirks at the sight of an overconfident son of udhayang. Harsh  directed his horse towards jatasur by beheading all enemies on the way....for him they are just a pack of dogs and a lion alone can defeat them. His eyes narrowed as he approached jatasur extended his one arm in thin air and started to chant something......He noticed the atmosphere getting changed.

Udhayang panicked on figuring out the deceit they planned for his kingdom. Heart of the father weighted in sorrow and concerned for his son. He pierced the vyuh in speed of light and raced upto his son.


" Hrishi!!! What's wrong with you?? ",

Karna couldn't help himself from yelling at his wife who make no sense.  She want him to stay back at this last moment where he all set to go to Hastinpur.

She were calm yet the vision she had made her much vulnerable. Something inside her made feel if she go back now.... then there is no Hrishika anymore. Yet risking her kingdom at this point is meaningless in terms of efforts of Harshini who secured her kingdom all the time.

She reasons, " My king!! There nothing good awaits for you....

And we together have to fulfill something great than attending a game of dice with those cunning cousins!! "

Karna huffs in annoyance before saying, " There is nothing important than suyodhan's happiness for me!! "

Hrishika's lips trembled and she needed him to spare sometime for her to reveal about her relation with udaipur. It was her fault to not letting him know about her past to him...she were so selfish to choose Hrishika and now the ties of Harshini strangling Hrishika too...
Karna noticed her getting agitated and he felt himself suffocated by the chosen love for the first time after they started their life together.

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