1. Unexpected Love

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A/N: Okay, this chapter is really short! Like extremely. And Im not very proud of it. My writing was not very good at the beginning to say the least. So even if you dont like the first chapter, please go on ahead to the second chapter and then decide if you like it or not. My writing has improved throughout the book, I promise.

Thanks for choosing my story! Vote, Vote, Vote!!

XOXO ~ Rachel




"Lemme just go get my bag. I need to wash it." My friends nodded and I hurried back to girls locker room to get my gym bag. I yanked at the door surprisingly open. Quietly I let myself in and turned the corner to my side of the dressing room. I clamped my hand over my lock when I heard a noise. I froze immediately knowing someone else was here.

A moan echoed thru the room. I gagged pretty much figuring it out. Quietly I walked over to where it was coming from.

"Noah!!!" A girl's voice screamed out. My heart immediately stopped and shattered in my chest. Certainly it wasn't MY Noah. I stopped in front of a stall, mortified.

"Shh baby girl." He cooed. Immediately my shattered heart crumbled into dust. I knew that voice. And I knew who it was.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He mumbled in response.

Did he cheat on me because I didn't want to go far? Maybe it's because I wasn't good enough? All I knew was that I felt horrible.

"Do you think she'll find out?" A girl's voice rang out. It sounded so fake.

"Nah. She's pretty gullible and innocent I don't think-" I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Well you thought wrong. I can't believe you! Did you date me because I was innocent and you felt bad?" I spat. The door opened to reveal Noah and some cheerleader.

"Emily!! Love!" He reached out.

"Go away!" I hissed.

"Aww, baby, lemme explain-"

"What do you need to explain? I need to say something though." I seethed.

"Yes?" He asked.

"We. Are. Over." And with that, tears streaming down I ran out and away from Noah Mitchell. The guy I thought who loved me but never did.


"Dont cry Em. Don't cry. You will ruin your makeup!" I fanned my face as to dry my tears away. Then my phone buzzed. I went over and unlocked it.

anna: picking u up in 5 :)

I groaned. "Just relax and have fun." I thought. I stood to go and get my shoes. I was wearing a body hugging black criss-cross dress with pink heels. My hair cascaded down my back in soft ringlets half up half down. Just as I slipped on my shoes and gave myself a quick check there was a knock. I took a deep breath. "They are just trying to be good friends and help." I gave myself a pep talk and opened my door.

"Ready? WHOA! Well don't you clean up nice?" She teased. I blushed and nodded. "Let's go." I smiled linking my arm with hers. I closed the door and we walked to the car. I took a deep breath and sighed. "Lets party."

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