25. Trust is Tested

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-Louis POV-

"Yeah?" She asked, turning and putting her phone in her back pocket, facing me. My fists balled at my sides. Did that seriously happen?

"Niall is coming around 2." I stated, no emotion present in my voice. She cocked an eyebrow at me but let it go.

"Great! Hey, Im going to get my room." She smiled, going for her bags. She bent over, picking up her duffle and pulling the handle up. She turned.

"Meet back down here? Or can I crash for a bit?"

"You can sleep." Liam smiled. She nodded and turned walking across the lobby to the counter.

"UNDER TOMLINSON!" I yelled after her. She turned to look at me and nodded once and turned back around to the receptionist. I watched her as shock registered on her face then she nodded slowly. The lady handed over a card and Emily thanked her, grabbing hold of her luggage and walking to the elevator.

"She is really fit. Nice one Lou." Harry spoke. I turned to him and glared at him long and hard.

"Geez, what's the glare for? Look, I'm sorry for whatever I did but can I at least know what happened?" He asked.

"You know fucking well what you did." I snapped. The color drained from his face as shock registered. I saw Liam tense and Zayn looked up from his phone. Harry ran his fingers through his hair.

"Louis, please tell me! I have no clue what I did wrong!" He whined. I nearly jumped over and punched his face in and break his nose. I wanted to slap him.

"Stay away from Emily. You fucking touch her once more I swear I will break your fucking nose. Stay. Away." I growled, stepping towards him, eyes cold. Liam came and put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't want a fight to break out. Imagine the headlines for that. Simon would be angry. Emily would be pissed. But I really wanted to connect my fist with his nose and hear the bone snap. That should teach him. He seemed to notice the battle going on in my head. He smirked knowing I was on the verge of snappin yet he knew I had to hold myself together.

"Or what?" He challenged. Every single sense of mine shut off. Every voice of reason disappeared. The only voice speaking was repeating "Punch Him. Punch Him. He deserves it. Punch Him." I lunged at him, reaching for his throat.

"WOAH!!!" Zayn yelled as he jumped up and jumped in front of me and Harry, blocking my hands from his throat.

"Move." I ordered, my gaze never leaving Harry's pale, frightened face.

"No. Louis, Dont." He stared me dead in the eyes. I felt my body regain control. I relaxed my tensed muscles, never lowering my glare on Harry.

"Stay. Away. If I see you pull a move on her like you just did I swear I will fucking punch you till you die. Understand?" He nodded, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Look, mate. She's all yours. She's fit and everything but she is yours. I... I would never do that." He said, innocence oozing from his voice. Deep down I believed him. Hell we were bestmates and I knew he wouldn't but the demon that was possessing me wouldn't let me see past what I had witnessed.

"Bullshit." I sneered.

"Louis, I think you should upstairs." Liam said in my ear. I nodded and huffed, going back to my bags and picked them up. I turned and glared at Harry once more, before whipping out my phone and texted Emily what the room number was. 1008. The Tenth Floor. Great. I clicked the 10th floor button on the elevator and rode it up, growing annoyed with the music. The door dinged, indicating it was my floor. I tugged my case along going down the long hallway then turning the corner to a more secluded end. I knocked three times calling out that it was me. The door clicked and swung open revealing a tired looking Emily.

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