5. Here's My Number, So Call Me Maybe

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After school I walked up to my locker. When I opened a note fell out.

                     Hello guy from the club here,

                           I really want to get to know you. Here's my number!



I threw it in my pocket. I couldn't get involved with him. I don't WANT to be with him. Into my locker I threw my calculus book and everything else I didn't need. I closed my locker only to become face to face with him. 

"Heyo!" He smiled 

"Hello." I grumbled. 

"Aww what's wrong?" He asked. 

"Nothing. Just leave me alone." I said dropping down my face and quick walking around him, towards the door.  

He had to run to catch up. 

"Whoa whoa whoa. What's with the attitude?" He asked grabbing my arm.  

"Get off." I seethed.  

"Look I really like you. Please tell me what's wrong." I yanked my arm away and shook my head.

"Look, I don't like you like that and I never will now go away!" I turned to yell at him. The rain started pouring down. He looked hurt.  

"I-Im sorry. I just, I need to go." I turned and ran to my car.  

"JUST tell me your name." He yelled.  

"EMILY!" I screamed back. I jumped into my white Volkswagen Beetle and watched him get into his silver Audi.

I slumped down. I just need to get home and sleep. I started up my car.

"Blerp blerp blerp pfffffft." I groaned.  

"Crap!" I yelled fishing through my phone to see if I could text someone.  

Can't text Anna because she has soccer and Jen has dance. Mom wasn't home. I threw my phone onto the seat next to me. Now I'm stuck here at school with no way to get home. Then I remembered. I have his number! I fished through my bag. It wasn't there. I panicked. I could NOT spend the night here or walk home. Then I remembered that I put it in my pocket. I stuck my hand into my left pocket and pulled the slip of paper out. 

"Idiot. How did I not remember?" I mumbled.

I punched in the numbers and put the phone to my ear as it dialed. " And here I thought I'd never use this." I grumbled.  

"Hello?" He answered.  

"Hey Louis it's Emily. I need to ask you something....."


Louis POV

"Heyo!" I chirped as she closed her locker. 

"Hello." She grumbled.  

"What's wrong?" I asked.  

"Nothing. JUST leave me alone." She snapped.

She ducked her head and started hurrying out. I just stood there processing what happened. Then I realized she was getting away. I started running to catch up with her.

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