36. Suit and Tie

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This could possibly get slightly steamy ;)

OH! and they stay in hotels during tour in here :)


3 weeks later

"Louis leave! I need to get ready!" I whined. He shook his head. "Lou, we have 2 hours until the show, I need to get ready and so do you!" He sighed and stood up. I smiled and backed away from the couch with just enough room for him to stand.

"Do I have to?" He whined. I chuckled. He pouted and turned to leave to go towards the boys before stopping suddenly and looking up at me with the evil eye. I looked at him quizzically.

"Lou, what the he-?" He crashed his lips onto mine, causing me to stumble back. My mind went blank for and adrenaline went through my veins causing me to want to get closer to him and kiss back. His hands travelled up my back under the flimsy material of my top. His cold hands caused goosebumps to rise on my skin. His fingers trailed up and down my spine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Suddenly, his hands gripped my hips and he detached his lips from mine only to attach them to my neck and suck harshly causing me to hiss and grip his shoulders. He nipped the skin quickly, a crazy sense of pleasure going through my body before laying a soft kiss and the hurting skin and then moving to the skin right below my jaw hinge and repeating the process inevitably finding my sweet spot. I moaned in complete pleasure and had the need to connect my lips back with his. I laid a sweet, short kiss on his lips, arms still around his neck.

"Louis, we need to get ready," I said. He huffed and checked his watch.

"We have 5 minutes. You'll be surprised how quickly I could fuck you," I gasped as his dirty words slipped from his plump lips. He chuckled.

"Louis," I started.

"Emily." He fought back.

"We cant," I said.

"Why? Like I said, it'll only take 5 minutes. You'll be so-" I stopped him before he could continue.

"I'm expecting a gift from nature soon," I mumbled. He made an O shape with his mouth in realization.

"Like how soon?"

"Like today or tomorrow soon," I answered. The same evil smirk came across his lips as he seemed to evaluate my words and made sure to pick and choose his words carefully.

"So you haven't started?" I gave him a questioning look. "You said you were 'expecting' the gift. You didn't say that you started it yet," I mentally face palmed. I glared at him. He smiled and took his lip between his teeth and sauntered closer to me, well the 3 inches we created between us, and wrapped his left arm back around my waist and took my right hand in his, intertwining our fingers. Carefully, almost apprehensivley, he leaned in and kissed me, slowly, more raw that before. I smiled and kissed him back moving my hands to his hair, tangling them in it. Without breaking the kiss though he moved my hands from his hair and pulled away, causing me to whimper at the loss of contact.

"I'm not going to force you to do anything," he whispered, "So I'm going to respect your word and go get ready. I dont want to be the bad guy here and I dont want to hurt you. It would be an honor to take you, as Jason Derulo puts it, "to the other side" but you don't want that now and I respect that. So I am going to go and get ready," He left a lingering kiss on my lips before turning, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking heel-toe to the door. I lifted my fingers up to try and capture the lingering feeling. Suddenly he turned around and grinned. "Wear your hair up tonight," he winked and closed the door leaving me to blush and my own fantasies.

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