17. Never Have I Ever

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He was silent. I gulped.  

"L-Louis?" My voice wavered.  

When people would find out they'd leave me. They'd call me names.




White Trash.  

Go die in a hole.

Jen and Anna were the only ones there for me. With my parents gone 99% of the time I could never talk to them.

I dont really remember why I started. I jsut remember thinking that I was to fat so I wanted to lose weight and starving myself was basically the only way I thought was effective. I thought that if I cut calories my body would decrease in size almost immediatly. Wow I was a dumb teenager. No one noticed until I was at a sleepover at Jen's house and I fainted. Her mother took me to the hospital considering I was pale and I wasn't waking up. The doc told her how low I was in the weight department and when I woke up they asked what I had eaten yesterday. I had answered an apple, 5 water bottles and a cup of blueberries. If it weren't for for Mrs. Travis I probably could be dead.

 It was was still silent. I thought I had heard the door open but I figured it was just one of those sounds you hear randomly when alone in your house.

"Louis. Please." I whispered. Tears silently flowed down.

"Why?" A voice cracked from behind. I turned and there stood Louis. 

I cried and ran to his arms. I sobbed and he rubbed my back.

"I didn't like myself. I ate smaller portions and soon when I did eat I couldn't keep it down. Jen and Anna finally made me start eating small things. An Apple slice every two hours. I started keeping things down. I'm better Louis, I really am." He walked us over to a chair and sat me on his lap rocking me back and forth.

"I believe you Em. But we need to focus on getting you eating normally." I nodded and sniffled.

"You can stay the night here." I offered. He nodded.

"Anything for you."


Louis woke up first in the morning. He made frozen waffles and nutella. I could smell bit in my room.

"It smells lovely." I smiled walking downstairs. He turned and handed me a plate.

"Thank you kind sir." I teased. I jumped up onto my counter and started nibbling on it. I could finish this easy. This was basically what i ate ate every morning.

"Able to eat it? No rush." I giggled at his protectiveness.

"This is all I normally eat for breakfast." I answered. He nodded.

"What's today's agenda?" He asked.

"I just wanna chill." I answered.

"Sounds good to me." He smiled. There was silence between us as we enjoyed our food. Then his phone went off.

"Sorry." He smiled and ran off to answer. I sat there munching, occasionally sipping water processing how such a sweet person could be mine.


Louis POV 


"Hello?" I answered.

"Louis? It's Simon."

"Oh hello. What do you need?" I asked.

"Leave dates been changed. You leave this weekend." I was speechless. Sure this gave both me and Emily time to graduate but did she want to leave that quickly?

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