6. I Can't Believe Im Doing This

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Emily POV

I decided to be nice to Louis. It was the least I could do. I mean he didn't have to come get me on Monday. After what I did to him that day. Thinking back on it I was a real bitch. I apologized on Tuesday and he waved it off. That's what I liked about him. No matter how big the matter he seemed like he didn't care. He was so carefree. I also like his eyes, those piercing blue eyes. And his hair. His misshapen hair that sticks up in odd places but looks natural. His adorable laugh and his smile. Whoa Emily! You can't like Louis. You don't WANT to like him. There are all those memories with... Noah.

Speaking of him, he was walking towards me with his friends. Noah is what some people would consider jock. He's on the football and basket ball team and he has a lot of friends. It totally surprised me when he asked me out. I really thought we were meant for each other. Every time we'd kiss I felt sparks. It seemed as if he really cared for me. So it was a total shock when I caught him cheating. My heart was and still is crushed.

He walked up to me and smirked. He put his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey baby." He smirked.

"Get off'" I shoved his arm away.

"Feisty are we? Come to my place later." He winked.

"Get away you bastard! You never loved me! I was a toy! I don't love you or care for you anymore! In fact there is a boy I met who is Wayy better than you." I spat. I added that to make him jealous. And it did.

"But baby I made a mistake. Please forgive me. Another chance." I got an idea. I smiled sweetly.

"Please?" He begged. I sighed.

"Sure. Now come here big guy." I smiled and beckoned him over. He sauntered over like a champion and leaned in for a kiss. Right when our lips were going to meet I put my hand up and slapped him.

"You seriously thought I'd take you back." I smirked. I turned on my heel, flipped the finger and walked away.

"That idiot really thought I was gonna take him back. Pfft, never in a million years. Douchebag, he deserves to- OH I am so sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up to see I ran into Louis.

"Oh hey!" I chirped.

"Hey." He grumbled.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"Liar somethings wrong. Tell me." I stopped walking and pulled at his arm making him stop also.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?" He asked looking at the ground, kicking the dust. He almost looked, hurt.

"What?" I asked.

"Yea I saw you two." I shook my head.

"I dont understand? What two- Oh..." I mumbled finally understanding. He saw me and Noah. But he didnt see the end.

"No no no. Lou look. He's my ex. We broke up last week. He asked me out again and I teasingly said yes. That's probably what you saw. But afterwards when he leaned in for a kiss I slapped him, flipped him off and walked away." I explained. His expression didn't change.

"Louis? Louis please! I swear it was nothing!"

I can't believe I was begging for his trust. Only a week ago did I meet him. Then on Monday I said I didn't like him. But it was him that kept trying to get me back and now I'm trying to get him to believe me.

Finally his piercing blue eyes met mine.

"Emily how can I believe you? I saw what I saw. Most importantly, how do I know you aren't making that all up? How do I know you are telling the truth?" I took a deep breath. I was going to have to earn his trust. A week ago I was saying I didn't like him or know him. But that was the past. I needed him to trust me and I knew exactly how.

"Well I can't make you believe me. But I can always try."

"Ho-?" The minute he turned to look at me I crashed my lips onto his.

I don't know where that courage came from but it came. Not a quick peck but a slow, meaningful kiss. I pulled away and he looked into my eyes. Then we kissed again. And again. It was beautiful. And I enjoyed every single moment of it.

"I believe you."


A/N: OOOOHH!! THEY KISSED!! OMG! What do you think will be next for them? You'll have to read on to find out.

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